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Professor Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia
Opinion Politics

As The Storm Gathers: 4 Things That Will Happen If This Arrogance Does Not Cease

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By Chukwudumebi Nkemcho Nwaokobia

I am amazed that we have a President that prides in commitment to spiritual precepts and truth, yet he cannot see the gathering storm, and yet he is himself offering a nation he superintends to be destroyed by wolves. Buhari is advertently or inadvertently calling the ogres to a feast. May God Help Us.

I am surprised that we have a Vice President who is a Pastor, a man with unique relationship with an omniscient God, yet he cannot see the ball of fire in the clouds, and yet he cannot ask his Principal not to exacerbate the doom that looms. May God Help Us.

I have cried and wailed like a prophet asking leadership to stem the gathering storm. I have called out leadership to do the needful (come off the High Horse, repent, engage, discourse, rework and reshape this enterprise) in order to avert the looming Armageddon, but they have chosen rather the opposite.

Compatriots, Countrymen and women, I place before you four clear things that the arrogance and recalcitrance of government is sure to bring upon Nigeria within the next 30months.

If you like call me the new Awolowo, if you like call me Nostradamus, if you like call me a prophet, whether of doom or one of caution, but I must place before a Country I love so much the clear events that the many missteps of government shall bring upon us, except the needful is done NOW.

  1. As Government and her operators continue to harass, freeze the accounts, and disturb the Youths who were active in the #ENDSARS Peaceful Protests, government has itself broken the cord of peace and the link it has with the future.
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Except Government quickly corrects the present faux pas and engage the Youth Leaders in proactive dialogue, the next 6months shall birth and berth protests more intense and fervent across the nation and leadership shall be overwhelmed by the ferocity of it.

  1. If Government continues to tinker with its effort to gag and or censor the Social Media, this government shall be toiling with its lifespan for you cannot stifle that which gave birth to you and expect to live.

Let me say clearly that to stifle and or censor the social media is to force the Youths to seek new ways of pouring out their disapproval of certain government policies and letting out steam.

If this government censors the Social Media there shall be a monstrous heightening of the tension across the land, and within the next 18months something will give. I therefore I advise government to be careful and to be guided.

  1. There is a disharmony in the present watch that stems from a conflict between two tendencies in government. Those who mouth their loyalty to Buhari for selfish gain have swallowed up the few who love, support and want Buhari to leave a good legacy.
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The selfish acolytes of Buhari provoked, procured violence and arson, and also attacked through their agents an otherwise peaceful protest, and they have continued arrogantly to blackmail, harass and intimidate the Youths who were part of the #ENDSARS Protests.

Let me say clearly that if this does not stop, the blood of the felled harmless and armed-less protesters shall provoke within the next 24 months an orgy of violence that only the Almighty can still. The leaders of the present watch must be guided.

  1. Finally if the present arrogance of the Nigerian Political class and indeed Leadership is not checked, if our leaders do not humble themselves and turn a new leaf, if they do not deal with corruption, if they do not attend to the masses, if they do not rework this dysfunctional structure, if they do not become responsible and responsive to the people, and if they do not address the many questions of nationhood and citizenship, the next 30 months shall witness a systemic collapse of all that holds Nigeria together, and shall witness the extinction of a generation, and shall usher in the berth of a new era of Leaders whose love for Nigeria shall abort the strings of ethnicity, religion, region, greed and graft, call it a REVOLUTION and you will be right.
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I am just a humble votary of TRUTH, call me names if you like, but I have laid bare the hidden, I have, in putting before you this truth, served the will of my maker.

Before you fight me or fight it, take it to your God, to your Imam, to your Priest, to your Seer, to your Marabout and to any altar, if they fault the events here above enunciated, then come after me.

May God grant our Leaders the Grace to humbly heed the Counsel here espoused. God Bless Nigeria.

*Prof. Chukwudumebi Nkemcho Nwaokobia, CNN, Formally Known As Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia Jnr, Convener COUNTRYFIRST MOVEMENT AQUARIUM.

Source: The Street Reporters Newspaper


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