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“How would APC survive with all the injustices being allowed to be perpetrated by PDP reneges?”
By Obi Ojage
I grieve not. I rather wait for thy own omen in the unforeseeable future, be it good or bad.
We hail thee Lord Almighty the source of power which is never executed or attained by force. Force, is man’s version of “Power” in contention which is often displayed in the absence of wisdom. And it becomes toxic when misused and helps to foster injustices, discrimination, avarice and impunity.
My not been allowed by the forces that be to contest the post of National Publicity Secretary of APC from Cross River State, in the forth coming National convention of our great party in Abuja, hopefully on the 26th of march which I sort on merit, means nothing. Cry not for me.
Cry but for the lack of foresight in our people who would realize Angels in their mist only when they are gone.
From my twenty five years or so experience staying without a paid or a fix income unbowed, part of which time I was under heavy demonic attacks from men and women of the occult, such that those who knew my ordeal both the ones involved in my attack and outsiders, couldn’t believe I would be alive or survive the horrible situation in one piece.
I have since realized that physical poverty which rightly put, means lack of essential needs, isn’t anomalous, especially when you have something doing satisfactorily that gives you an inner feeling of hope that you would eventually come out of such sedentariness howbeit with people around you’ve shown kindness to in the past; appreciating your plight to assist.
And in all of these you’re calm enough to learn with equanimity without squirming from its gains of innovativeness, inspirational lessons in generosity, acquiescence and the fear of the Lord that controls the universe, such, does epitomise greatness.
In doing this further, you eschew bitterness in the process with abhorrences to envy and vengeance without seeking for shortcuts or have your stands on “truth” been compromised in exchange for mere porridge, you’ll be more than a king in charge of your world in such Instance than hitherto.
Like the saying goes: “he that is down need fear no fall”. The fear to fall make most persons susceptible. Instead of learning valuable lessons from their fall, they strive to wake-up by force through the aid of other forces.
And before they’ll know it, they’re dining with the devil unredeemably. Poor you! No Pastor can help one overcome such follies as they too need redemption from gross ingloriousness and their impure engagements and perpetration of evil in secret which are usually done in the name of the Lord.
What is bad is having a “Poor Spirit and a Slavish Mentality” where all you see as true living is what you’re given, however it comes. What comes after then does not bother you one bit as long as you’ve benefited in the butty exclusively.
In such a case you’re worth nothing no matter what you seem to gain or believe you’ve gained from such enslavement. Which is why those who do, usually become poorer and wretched soon after they’re out of that circle of mindlessness.
No matter how materially rich they had appeared to be before now, you’ll find them wretchedly looking haggard inside out with a battered portraiture caused by the weight of evil thoughts buried in their minds.
Being rich is not only on how much money you have in the bank or your material possessions; nor you’re poor because of the lack of these things mentioned in abundance.
Each exists only in its own wall and is reckoned with only by those who stray in that wall ostensibly and shows concern. Only then would they feel these impressions and be impressed by them.
Otherwise, except, you’re generously inviting by your “giving habits” to those in need around you as a rich man or woman. And by being your brothers or sister’s keeper or call for attention unduly, your riches would, or does not matter any much to those who mind their business than it is to you the so-called rich man or woman. So toowith those who claim to be poor.
It only becomes a burden to them when they’re engaged in making comparison with those they consider to be rich around them without fully appreciating their own endowments they’d failed to develop.
Whereas they had rather engaged in cultivating their own garden within their competencies and God-given talents where they’ve discovered such about themselves, and to let the world go bye. Only in such situation would they be less bothered about anyone but themselves, whether those they come across are rich or not.
Poverty or riches have their bearings all in the Spirit. Everything is inside. If you have a poor spirit no matter the effort you put in making the much money you have in your bank account or positions attained you’ll still be pursuing money senselessly even to the point of killing your fellow man just to get more money and to be placed in higher position than others before you at all cost.
There and then competition and envy sets in, with greed which are burn out of avariciousness to cover it all up where you’ll now be looked upon as being mean, intolerant and conscienceless.
But those with a rich Spirit do show contentment with what they have and are grateful, cheerful and obsequious. And could still share.
So, poverty or riches are all in the spirit. And the behaviours of individuals, be they rich or poor, are a reflection of how rich or poor their Spirit person is. If you’re poor in Spirit, your Soul would be unfed and until you take care of the Soul, your physical man would perpetually be in want; in want of material possession to makeup for what is lacking in the inside.
So, when you see a so-called rich man or woman acting miserly or greedy, wanting all to him or herself, its never their fault. Its because of their internal handicap.
They’re afraid to be poor because they’re originally poor people in spirit or in the inside and per chance they acquired riches. All those are ephemeral and are all liabilities as they would ever be seen chasing wealth since what they have in the outside is what you see often in their display of wealth. But the inside man is stronger.
Therefore, contentment is the evidence of one with a rich spirit from birth. Is not a weakness accessioned by poverty.
It’s rather the reflection of the person’s rich consciousness from the inside of him or her than otherwise. From the abundance of the man’s heart through the mouth is forced to speak or display acts of goodness which in turn repels evilness all because of the richness of his inside man.
Greediness or acting miserly is an example of one with an extremely poor Spirit. Take note of that. No matter how much they have as earthly possessions, they’re always envious of others who may not have as mush as they do and would want to see them in penury so that they could laugh and make jest of them, which is a propensity dictated to from the inside due to their inadequacies.
They always would want to be the only cock to crow around the vicinity. But unfortunately their nemesis, or those they often have conflict with are those with rich spirit in the inside who are conscious of it, though are seen with less to show physically in terms of material possessions but often exude confident and are self assertive. Why?
Because these sets of persons are always better informed and are battle ready to resist their dominance or cockiness which is often interpreted as being smart or intelligent.
This is so also because they’re rich in Spirit from birth. And the others are in deficit as a result of what they have in the inside but are barely trying to makeup for their deficiencies through their crave for excessive material wealth at all cost, which has now become a huge burden to them.
This is where we are in Cross River, nay, Nigetia. And it might remain so except a group of persons stamp their legs down and insist on a change, otherwise change shall not come.
We shall always have those with poor spirit whose only purpose into governance is merely to strive to acquire riches dubiously from our common patrimonies with no reservation whatsoever.
Therefore, they could destroy everything and anything on sight if only that would make them rich to cover-up for what they lack in the inside.
All of these show of shame and criminality by these mindless political misfits go without apprehension by the authorities concern or the “People’s Force” galvanized to take them on; all because they’re too many gluttons around “cheering” who cannot stay a day without excessive food on the table, even when far beyond their means, because they believe they’re poor (even when they’re not in spirit) and are now tremulously vulnerable.
Surprisingly, my state of Cross River recently had to choose a lesser position on the card from what was zoned to us to occupy in the South South zones as an elective position reserved for one or two of us each from the five states that makes up the zone to serve as a member of the National Executive Council of our great party, the APC to be voted in during the forthcoming National Convention at Abuja.
The state decided rather on having the position of Woman Leader other than the one I sort for on merit amongst the offices zoned to us which was more preferable and higher in status.
This, I was reliably informed was done deliberately to force me out of the race after all I have put in APC from my state, right from inception when I joined the party from the PDP far back in year of the Lord 2015, to date, in the areas of propagation and public enlightenment on the party’s activities, including my stout defense of President Muhammadu Buhari who is the leader of our party all of which I did with my resources.
The position of National Publicity Secretary to which I seek had been zoned out thrice because of me so to speak, and thrice had they brought it back through the powers of truth just to accommodate my aspiration I supposed.
But those with poor spirit amongst us will not let me have it. But I mused. Those now in charge of APC in Cross River had gone to negotiate out the position to which I am seeking on merit and had worked tirelessly for, to get the position of a mere woman leader for the state, a post far lower in status than what I sort. Instead of backing me up for that which I have comparative advantage to the glory of the state.
Tell me, is that wisdom. Or a display of hate? You do good, is for yourself and if you do evil, is equally for yourself. Obi Offiong Ojage remains undisturbed as the people’s Comrade.
How would this party survive with all of these injustices being allowed to prevail over persons who are truly fateful and committed to the party by persons who only display material riches but deficit inside who have poor spirit which would never allow them to accommodate others with rich and enduring spirit, unless they cow-tow to their caprices.
I wonder what will become of our great party the APC when General Muhammadu Buhari leaves the scene?
People fight me in vain as if they know tomorrow. There can’t be any government in Cross River today that can measure up with that of their Excellencies Mr. Donald Duke and Senator Liyel Imoke. Both in finest, popularity, glamour, content, respectability, drive and vision.
And these are guys with whom I related commonualy, who shared in my intelligence, foresight, negotiating abilities, diligence and due allegiance. We were close, especially with Donald Duke. So, I worry not with what’s going on in our state of Cross River today.
There have been sufficient pressure from members of both the public and our party on me, in spite of my handicap financially, to contest the Governorship position of my state of Cross River because of my deep knowledge of the state’s affairs, doggedness, political sagacity and what I stand for over the years.
But I declined and had consistently insisted on supporting those favourably disposed to do the job and whose competence I can attest to as the one’s more suitable to take the state out of this quagmire we undeservedly find ourselves and which was imposed on us by men with poor spirit.
I agree with those who say that there are times and seasons. But it depends on how you maximize your season and the legacy you live behind; either that of nuisances, dubiousity, cowardice or respectability, all will tell on your retirement.
Mine was caused by belligerent forces and I regret not because I am now built up spiritually in the deep knowledge of Yahweh.
Those glorious days shall come again as long as there is life because we’re determined to make the state and Nigeria work again.
This is why the making of a governor in our state isn’t going to be games up as most are wanting to think, but that which would reflect suitability, reliability and one who is known to have exhibited probity and has been accountable to those who looked up to him, (not charlatans) in the days of their little beginning and not that which is meant for convenience purposes.
I believe in myself. I am not a local man. I am broad in my perspective of life. So, I neither envy nor jealous nor do I stand on the way of anyone.
Those who do have their reasons. Our area is full of darkness. So, those like us who exude light struggle daily to meander to live through constant darkness breading in by men and women with Poor Spirit.
I am an opinion molder. I must exhibit broadmindedness and be courageous enough to advice where wrongs are being perpetrated.
And those who read my essays on various social media platforms do applaud my efforts. And that remains indelible. And I feel fulfilled by that.
No real intelligent and confident individual would waste his or her time stopping another. Because if you’re truly intelligent, you can’t be duplicated.
What you know, you know. Those who want it would sort after you. I am prepared to join forces with those who are ready to reed this country of thieves and treacherous noise makers; at the fullness of time.
I will continue to write on my platform, if that is all I could do to encourage those disposed to me to be steadfast in being good.
And to sensitize the public on issues of interest, be they politics, ethics or general interest, until the right time and person comes up to head the government of a new Nigeria where the badhearted men and women of envy amongst us who have suddenly found themselves in positions of authority through politics, shall be identified and dealt with accordingly.
The one coming after President Muhammadu Buhari, I bet you, must display courage to be able to govern Nigeria of today.
Even if he were to be softhearted, the current situation in the country as it stance will toughen the person to take far reaching decisions, especially those actions which were deferred due the pressure of those privileged politicians around the corridor of power mounted unwittingly and prevented the current president Buhari from executing as he had wanted. It’s not yet Uhuru. Let’s wait and see.
I speak as an oracle. And the few that I have written has come to pass, especially in my state of Cross River.
Therefore, cry not for me for not being made the National Publicity Secretary of APC. So what?
What have those who have worked to stop me gained? Cry not for me. Cry rather for the thieves whom the times would soon catch up with and have them in jail for all their crimes against the children whose food they’ve stolen at broad daylight.
This country is pregnant and shrouded with lies upon lies and mindless embezzlement by evil men and their conspirators who abound.
And only confrontational engagements exhibited firmly by either the people themselves or institutions meant to do so to effect justice expeditiously would deliver it therefrom.
Otherwise, the absence of General Mummadu Buhari as it would occur in a matter of months shall see this beloved country of ours worse than it is now.
End Time Message!
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