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Comrade Obi Ojage
Opinion Politics

You Cannot Give What You Don’t Have, Only Blockhead-Fools Fight Over That Which Is Meant To Go Around

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The forces that give life to equity to strengthen justice and reduce detente, shall see to the overwhelming victory of APC in Cross River State in the forthcoming Governorship elections due next year, the Lord willing.

One of the sterling qualities a Governor needs is a character, obsequiousness, a benevolent heart, and the inclination to probity and accountability.

Both in official conduct and his public disposition. It is not a matter of one getting financial support somewhere or the ability to ambush the officials to beat your way through party primaries to become the party’s flag bearer that qualifies you as a Governor of a state like a Cross River.

The state needs someone who can inspire confidence in the people to see government and governance once again, as a partnership and one in progress in whatever initiatives are introduced.

And the Governor must be an individual that has the reach and can create and nurture such an atmosphere into being. And Senator Prince Bassey Otu possesses those qualities without question. We should look no further.

I say so with all amount of responsibility as one who has had a close relationship with all the civilian Governors and who have ruled our state including the late Brigadier U. J Esuene whom I served (Small as I was then) as a personal assistant when he was the governorship candidate of our party, the Unity Party of Nigeria, (UPN) and I as the youngest person than to be the editor of Champions Newspaper with a national outlook own by the late sage, Pa, Obafemi Awolowo, printed at Ibadan together with daily Tribune newspapers.

I adumbrate what I say here, authoritatively. And of cause except for the current Governor of the state whom I am yet to meet in person nor have I had any dealing or interaction with. The rests who governed our state were either my friends or professional colleague like in the case of the first civilian governor of the state, His Excellency former Governor, Chief Clement David Ebri.

While chief Ebri together with the late Etubom Bassey Ekpo Bassey were editors in the Nigerian Chronicle newspaper, I was editor of New Revelation newspaper printed at Owerri, the Imo State Capital, publishers of Statesman newspaper. Copies of the newspapers I edited are all there.

I am moved to thank the current Governor His Excellency, Professor Ben Ayade for making sure that our candidate Senator Prince Bassey Otu becomes the party flag bearer during the recently concluded party primaries adjudged to be the best conducted in the state, rancor-free.

Whatever is been said by the aggrieved in their proposition is a belated engagement that gathers no moss except for the grandstanding proclivities the type that only desperados do, which goes to show the congruity in their petition which is seen unfortunately as a total distraction we now have in the party, said to be crying more than the bereaved, who supposedly in their claim, is the People’s Democratic Party, the (PDP) and not themselves. Why are they so impatient not to wait till then?

It is one of the greatest decisions the Governor has taken so far in his exude extreme leadership dispositions, that seem to gratify me and many critics like me I know in and out of the party who perceives the governor contrarily as that singular act has added another endearing feather to his endeavors nonetheless. I salute his courage and tenacity.

I had refused to join these buffoons nor make any sense out of the puzzle laced with a whole lot of gossip making the rounds in and out of the social media courtesy of those mischief-makers within, who had misinterpreted the Governor’s silence over the series of the attacks on the party’s flag bearer Prince Otu, from those who lost the primaries against him, whereas they infer inter-alia, that the original intention of the Governor was not to focus on Otu as his favorite candidate nor was he inclined to allow anybody else than his former commissioner for finance Mr. Asuquo Ekpenyong junior, far younger than Otu, whom he had groomed to take over as his successor. And that the emergence of Senator Prince Bassey Otu came as an interlocutory displacement of some sort.

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I don’t give catharsis to such insinuations at all. They don’t excite me one bit. I operate in the positive. I regard all of that as diversionary with no scintilla of bases on which to absorb the nicely rehearse concoctions meant to incite.

Nonetheless, I sincerely commend the critical stands of the state Governor on the choice of Senator Prince Bassey Otu. It fits well. He should now do all in his power as the incumbent Governor to see Otu’s victory in the general election.

And those of us who constitute Prince Otu’s vanguard scattered around from the inception will stand indubitably in support of his efforts thenceforth for that sake, as it will further help shame the human devil that abounds and keep the Governor from future confrontational attacks from the the the deviance.

There is no politician of note here in our state of the cross river, that I have not had close interaction with or dealings, politically except those that just metamorphosed from nothingness to glorious heights overnight out of favoritism, otherwise, I can tell the inclinations and weaknesses of most of our highly placed politicians today who are from the state. And they all know me either by reputation, many disagreements we’ve had on trivial matters over time or through my activity. Whether in politics or out of it.

I have been State Chairman of a political party at one time, Interim State Chairman of another party here in the state at my very tender age, Chairman of Publicity and Propaganda to several of the political parties, editor of a newspaper owned by a political party with National spread such as the Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN), Social Democratic Party (SDP), Grass Roots Movements (GDM), Liberal Convention (LC), Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), and today I am in All Progressives Congress (APC).

I wish to repeat it here again without sounding immodest to my ardent readers that, but not for the ordeal I suffered in the unholy hands of men and women of the occult who held me captive from where the Lord almighty saved me, the setbacks I suffer wouldn’t have been surface. Especially the fetters from the familiar or family spell that kept me contentedly working for others to succeed to be in political positions other than myself, throughout the opportunity that was available in politics than from where those who are now at the top and rich from the proceeds, can now brag.

They know my worth but live in the pretense of it out of wickedness, jealousy, and ego, who are those trying in concert with others to sideline me, but to their detriment. I know them too well, by their antecedent. I am in politics for good, with no turning back.

None, except APC, have I had the type of insult from idiotic elements and had experienced the most primitively induced method of rejection of those experienced party members ready to help the party, who are intellectually competent and professionally sound and are willing to take up assignments for the benefit of the party from doing so.

All these buffoons know is how to position themselves to grab any opportunity that offers money, those would make sure only those of their kind get to a position, to protect their interest whether or not the party fails or survive. You find them talking big but they’re empty inside and in the cranium.

They are seen driving big cars today, courtesy of the Governor, they never would have driven from their efforts except for proceeds from politics over what works, they didn’t carry out except for their being engaged constantly in blackmail and conspiracy to destroy others who are good in their stuff and determined to get the party standing strong.

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The quality and defined nature of Prince Otu in my judgment, like President Mohammadu Buhari, has been the reason why I have been in an unyielding disposition in defense and promotions of his candidacy for all this while, staying late nights where I have taken time out to explain to the public through uncountable published articles, on social media and other platforms, including this one, on why he is the most suitable to succeed the current Governor and had endeavored to touch on many areas where many had their doubts, except for his academics which was never in doubts for his type of person who, over and over has undergone similar screenings procedures in the various offices he has aspired and attained.

His academic qualification was never in doubt so are they to date. What was played out and still does, was pure mischief and the result of how debased some people in our party have allowed themselves in a position requiring the public trust to descend lower than expected to attract public opprobrium in an attempt to enrich themselves overly at the expense and in front of bare truth.

And they regard as noble, all such corrupt practices aimed at twisting justice by extortion from desperate aspirants seeking favor on an exercise that was supposed to be conducted fairly well with no biases attached on both sides. We needn’t go further. It’s not correct. That attempt will not hold water.

The clearance papers to enable Prince Otu to contest the forgone party primaries which are now still in contention came from the party’s National office and were signed by the National Organizing Secretary which is where the letter of authorization should’ve come from, anywhere, notwithstanding.

If there are any faults or anything to the contrary, it should be that of the National body and not the winner’s burden to prove anything. By the way, why should that now become the business of the public, if I am tempted to ask, if not for malfeasance on the part of the complainants?

Party primaries have come and gone where a winner had emerged with such a wide margin as Prince Otu had, of 811 votes against 84 of his closest rival, deserving congratulations only for the same contestant who lost to question a letter from an official in the National body he has no locus of right to so do, is mischievous.

All these misadventures shouldn’t be in a party and people that profess to win at all costs in a contest with a contestant are the type the PDP flaunts being backed by Dollar Bills.

The Yala bye-election experience shouldn’t melt away just like that, so soon to give us a picture of what to expect in the governorship contests that involves a larger election that covers the entire state.

Tribe and tongue may differ but we all as Cross Riverians have one common denominator to look towards which is the development of our dear state of Cross River to catch up with other nearby sister states, the cause of which we must consign to the grave whatever differences exist to accomplish, for the sake of our children, and those yet unborn.

It is unheard of for one in a political context such as the governorship election, to contemplate that they would easily defeat an incumbent Governor or Government in the manner some people are alluding to, in their inferences. Despite the wranglings internally, there is always something uniquely transcendental and intriguing that offers some advantage to the ruling party in power all over. And that, we must be diligent and cautious about to be upheld.

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It is called self-confidence. The exceptions of seeing us defeated by the opposition parties are very remote, slime, and unattainable if we’re confident and united in purpose.

But most of these expectations revolve around the sitting Governor in power. It is his exclusive responsibility in seeing that equity is maintained, to reduce detente, no matter what and against who. People must learn to let go for expediency’s sake.

We must strike a balance between the new members and the old members, to be fair and just, in the case of Cross River APC as it is today. Not just in words but in deeds. And that encourages peaceful coexistence in a tranquil atmosphere.

So far, unfortunately, there are still some noticeable imbalances. And that needs to be corrected. The state chairman, excuse me to say, who is himself a product of imposition against one of the old members who were to occupy that seat has continued to entertain the selection or election of members who are mostly of his kind who just cross over to the party from the PDP with him, despite the numerous complaints to that effect.

There is too much suppression in the party where few persons close to the Governor have positioned themselves and their crannies to grab everything in sight. No one tolerates that in a situation where all hands are needed to be on deck to win. No one is, or should be a fool to anyone.

It is only when you win the election and be in power then would you say you’re a political party indeed, otherwise you will be in opposition and sink or languish there.

Those who have kept the party afloat should be allowed to excel. Failure to do so, might not augur well for the party. I have been preaching this balance of equations from inception. It frees the conscience.

Those who cannot shape in to accommodate others should shift out to where their nuisance and infertility would be accommodated. And stop making people beggars amid plentifulness.

Some of us have gone through a lot of humiliation at this party without rocking the boat, scattering the table, or blackmailing the leaders in exchange for a fee.

Are those better than us who excel or be in positions of reckoning where they make money not commensurate to the stuff they’re made of? Certainly not?

We’ve underwent deprivation from getting what is due to us on merit, by nonentities, ingrates, sorcerers, Woolf in sheep clothing, and opportunists in the party, great and functional as we appear to be, yet we still find a way around to play our rules in the party fervently regardless of all the shenanigans to the admiration of even those who had conspired against us and now tremulous.

No weapons fashioned against me prosper. No arrows aimed at me survive the day. I may not have as deemed, only the Lord who knows why that is so, certainly, the response to my cry especially over the undue treatment meted on my innocence, but the Lord proceeded in Swift anger, to dislodge those who hurt me accordingly.

Injustice destroys the Lord’s will and opens the subject matter to confrontation and resistance. Nothing works under such an atmosphere.

We beseech His Excellency the Governor to intervene to create the assurances needed to go out for this contest against our formidable opponents the People’s Democratic Party, (PDP), with one mind as APC members poised to win. Too much talking lies coated, is a cheap business that leads to a fall! The unflinching support for the people’s choice, Senator Prince Bassey Otu, by the state Governor must be made to have a human face.

End Time Message!”


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