The Symbolism Of Peter Obi’s Emergence Is Revalidation Of Gross Indecision Bedeviling The Marginalised
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“Revisiting An Earlier Advice I Gave To The Igbos Which Peter Obi Now Exemplifies”
“War is never the answer at this time in our history, especially for the Igbo person. No country ever survives two civil wars. And power, especially “political power” is never given to one on a platter. It is earned through the display of courage and the show of capacity to govern on the part of those who are demanding it too attracts gregarious acceptability from those who are comfortably entrenched in the piquancy of the benefits enjoyed in their different enclaves over whose grip of the power been sort demands negotiations in a transubstantiation manner. Such that would inspire cross-fertilization of ideas to warrant a legitimate accommodation by the host through a consensual agreement of give and take.”
“And these persons may now in their prevalences be compelled to bend over backward to concede power as a necessary ingredient to foster the required peaceful coexistence the country badly needs. These would become realizable than the much dissipation of energy over the twin issues of marginalization and nepotism. A cry of Woolf’s. Which is an idle man’s way of scapegoating to take care of their inability to bring to the table, issues that have the potential to bring about change.”
“The political transformation of the Igbos therefore would be revolutionary if it is made to take upward gravitation through a collective resistance against the existing indifferences prevailing amongst themselves as a tribe who will now be focused towards one direction or denominator whichever one suits the time.
These, if agreed to, were to be carried out with a commitment to effect the necessary change in unison. And done through the persuasion of all those from that section of the country who are in politics. Where they’re expected to operate as a team to galvanize support as a unit under one political umbrella or headship as it is now experienced in the sudden and divinely influenced emergence of Peter Obi to grab power in control of the center.”
History is on the side of the Igbos. Anything to thwart will suffer immeasurable injuries on account of such foolery.
– Obi Ojage.
I am a Cross riverian man. I am not Igbo. I am partly from the South and Central Senatorial Districts of Cross River State. We also bear the name “Obi”. It means, chief. So do not get me wrong here.
And by the way, the “Obis..s” everywhere, as I often said, happen to be great people. Whether as peasants or nobles, rich or poor. Coming from the southeast of Nigeria or the south of the equator.
They are all despite their circumstances of birth, intrinsically great in content here on earth, in Zion, and before the Lord of Host who lives in the void as a Ghost and Holy. Check that out yourself before you persecute me for blowing our trumpet.
President Mohammadu Buhari would’ve been favorably disposed to an Igbo presidency had they before now been together as one.
There is nothing like the “Hausa Fulani Hegemonic Rule” in Nigeria, in my view. I do not know if it’s in existence in the nearby Niger republic, Niamey, Chad, or Bene Republic.
Here it does exist only in the figments of doddering cowards made up of lazy men and women represented in the face of obvious challenges riddled with some form of contestation which is been driven by ethnicity. They’re caught in the web of their illusion which is responsible for all the tremulousness experienced by victims in that respect.
These lots, as a matter of tradition, would always complain of their tools as a scapegoat. No Quilmes. As a man thinketh of himself, they say, so will he become by the foolery of his thought which is the outcome of his mental state.
The “Fulanisational combustive fear” which seems to ravage our psyche and is been pandered as proof of the nepotist tendencies of the Fulanis in power has become rapturously heightened now in the country as a result of the current president Mohammadu Buhari being a Fulani. And this is born out of indolence and mischief. Such exist only in the imaginations of those persons or groups of people in a section of the country (our south-south inclusive) who are uncoordinated and lack the unity of purpose that enhances cohesion.
That is why they turn to wield the type of collective aggression that has the potential of attracting public sympathy with the hope that such an attitude may lead them to the usurpation of power by blackmail and not through the use of collective bargaining.
This is even though those parrots now championing the nepotism song are known to have done nothing for themselves while they had the instruments of power accorded them through a consensual agreement necessitated by their indulgences as a result of “Birthrights” bestowed on them by nature’s generosity as citizens of space in an area called Nigeria.
But they failed to utilize it properly and now squirm and cry wolf about being marginalized by those who are making good use of their chances in the same system. Their accusation is unfounded and does exist only in their imagination.
The position taken by those in power today by any judgment cannot be seen as a fault of theirs but that of their opponents should we state the fact as it is.
The various groups or tribes in Nigeria especially amongst the three major dominant ethnic groups, namely the Hausa, Igbos, and Yorubas are legitimately entitled to take turns to rule the country and these cannot be subsumed by any smack of interference or legislative abrogation.
The right to power by each section is therefore in the hands of those who seek it in their ability to assert themselves and how they go about wowing the other ethnic groups in contention in the case of Nigeria, to see reasons with them on why they should be supported.
The good thing in the Nigerian’s situation or scenario is that each of the three major groups in contention has something uniquely theirs in their areas to claim ownership of; given by nature wholly and solely.
Many of these are never found in the other sections entirely be it minerals or human resources. And which could serve as a bargaining chip for each section which they can use in the negotiation process exclusively. And this brings out the uniqueness of each section as it gives it the capacity to stand even in the event of a breakup.
No group, therefore, should be seen to act as fetters to another’s ambitions unless the latter decides to succumb. And they decide to make it at any given time.
Each was supposed to have their priorities straightened out and do well to implement them to suit needs when the opportunity gives itself. Notwithstanding, a lazy workman will always complain about his tools as a way of excuse in the event of failure.
Example of such an intolerable misadventure was seen in our decimal performance recently as southerners when power was brought to us on a platter through providence from where we were to achieve maximum benefit for our people but failed woolly.
That singular incident did serve as the measure of our greatness as a people from that section or lack of it. And further exposes understanding of why we are always agitating. Because we’re fragmented and not well-tutored in the use of power.
And it became obvious from what we did with the power given to us during the Presidency of Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, a minority man from the South-South zone favored with the power which was poorly utilized and was characterized by squandermania.
The trouble with Nigeria is not one that is isolated nor is it peculiar to any tribe. It is propelled by a common factor that is based on some historical antecedence. And this includes greed and buck-passing. And those can never be the making of the current leadership headed by president Mohammadu Buhari as some deceitful individuals want us to believe. It is neither gender nor tribe sensitive. It’s ubiquitous in the case of our disunity.
And all of that can be tackled with minimal adjustments of our values and shifting of grounds by stakeholders to adequately address these anomalies to ennoble a peaceful coexistence through the application of a conscious reawakening of our brotherhood spirit of one Nigeria by the breaking of all barriers and bridging up chasms, be they tribal or religious.
There is nothing as Fulani Hegemonic dominance as claimed by many. Every section in Nigeria has tested power and was supposed to do as they choose with it. Except perhaps the Igbos who have not been given a clear opportunity to be at the head of government in this modern time of a “Democratic Nigeria.
Much of this is caused by their foppery and largely by their inability to speak with one voice or pursue a common goal with the doggedness it requires considering their potential. Even with all the wealth and commercial strength which they often display including their spread of influence, these still elude them.
In every nook and cranny of Nigeria, you’ll find an Igbo man or woman doing well and acting as an influence in such places.
The Igbos are hard-working people and are an unshakable lot who can turn any situation to suit their needs except life which is the preserve only of the Almighty.
The undecidedness of the Igbos or the leaders from Igbo extraction to collectively strive to be at the helm of affairs in Nigeria as the number one person on the driver’s sit is their bane. And not the Fulanis or any hegemonic structure of any guise put in place meant to hinder them. Be it from the Yoruba group or the Fulani North.
The problem with Igbo is that they’re too independent-minded. This is why the average Igbo person complains less but continues to work hard in their chosen fields of endeavor wherever they find themselves.
It is their divisiveness that has largely informed the epileptic and less gregarious support the Independent People of Biafra (IPOB) as a group headed by Nnamdi Kanu have enjoyed seemingly. Wherefore, a voice in one breath speaks of Biafra and seeks a change of sovereignty from Nigeria.
While another very eloquent voice seeks elections into houses of Assemblies, Senate, and Governorship of Nigeria. All from the same people. Whose message then shall we believe? GOD is not the author of confusion they say.
The Igbos as a tribe and people have capacities to change Nigeria. And no one is stopping them or can stop them but themselves. History is on their side.
All they need is the unity of purpose laced with effective networking across Niger and those hegemonies if they ever do exist or are in existence will crumble like a pack of cards. And this cannot be realized through insurrection or war as some are deceitfully trying to contemplate or are engaged in.
War is never the answer at this time in our history, especially for the Igbo person. No country ever survives two civil wars. And power, especially “political power” is never given to one on a platter.
It is earned through the display of courage and the show of capacity to govern on the part of those who are demanding it too attracts gregarious acceptability from those who are comfortably entrenched in the piquancy of the benefits enjoyed in their different enclaves over whose grip of the power been sort demands negotiations in a transubstantiation manner. Such that would inspire cross-fertilization of ideas to warrant a legitimate accommodation by the host through a consensual agreement of give and take.
The political transformation of the Igbos therefore would be revolutionary if it is made to take upward gravitation through a collective resistance against the existing indifferences prevailing amongst themselves as a tribe who will now be focused towards one direction or denominator whichever one suits the time.
These, if agreed to, were to be carried out with a commitment to effect the necessary change in unison. And done through the persuasion of all those from that section of the country who are in politics. Where they’re expected to operate as a team to galvanize support as a unit under one political umbrella or headship as is now experienced in the sudden and divinely influenced emergence of Peter Obi to grab power in control of the center.
The Igbos must trace their step as a people in need of something back to where God’s blessings would engulf them and add no more sorrows. That place is found in the collective will of the people of Nigeria who now demands justice, equity, and fair play. Short and simple.
The alienation of the Igbo person mostly, is no fault of anyone but themselves. They do this through the entrenchment of selfish leaders and their lack of unity of purpose. You cannot fight from the outside, especially in a democracy where and when you do not have the numerical strength to do so neither do you have to remain a stood even when you have the opportunity as it now presents itself in the emergence of Obi, would you bad-mouth such chances simply because it isn’t you on the ballots?
Democracy which is the pattern of government Nigeria is practicing is a game of numbers not of senseless rantings, insolence, or that coercion by insinuating the threats of war or a breakup to attain power. It takes more than that to dislodge an entrenched hegemony in this case, especially when, as many had observed of the Igbos, it is one suggestively backed by a conspiracy between the other two ethnic groups.
In a situation for instance where you do not have the numbers required to lead, democracy in its wisdom still provides a way out for such handicapped people or groups to thrive for equity’s sake which is what gives democracy its global worth and acceptability. It gives those in the minority room to further national unity and cohesion by their ability to lobby others for them to see the need to come to their support in their quest to lead them. That’s the beauty of democracy, particularly where, like in this case scenario, the people are desirous of a change.
What this means is that, in democracy, they’re ample opportunities for those in the minority in such cases to further explain themselves and what they stand for to those in the majority whose support they seek to canvas than retire to the arms of lamentation over a matter that requires just a handshake across the Niger in the case of Nigeria, done dutifully.
To put it succinctly; in a democracy, to succeed you must first endeavor to be where the blessings of the “Lord through Democratic institutions” will easily reach you or where you can apply yourself to the use of the “powers of lobbying” as the instrument allowed in democratic settings for the minority groups to break even. And you can only do that when you are where the power resides. And in this case, it resides with the people of Nigeria, take it or leave it, the choice is with the Igbos. Talk is cheap!
The Igbos can fervently apply the use of a handshake across the Niger as they say, with an assurance to accommodate those on the other side without recourse to relics in their persistent hammering on the civil war imbroglios that often throws up sad memories during healthy discussions which are unnecessary.
Whereas, what they need the most (Igbos) now is to rekindle confidence in the minds of other regions, especially those presently in power whose fears would be aliased with such assurances placed on the negotiation table to concede to their please without any grain of doubt or contemptuous feelings of betrayal on the part of those who hold sway presently in terms of their numerical strength.
And these persons may now in their prevalences be compelled to bend over backward to concede power as a necessary ingredient to foster the required peaceful coexistence the country badly needs. These would become realizable than the much dissipation of energy over the twin issues of marginalization and nepotism. A cry of Woolf’s. Which is an idle man’s way of scapegoating to take care of their inability to bring to the table, issues that have the potential to bring about change.
Nigeria cannot afford to lose the Igbos if they show sufficient reasons to be trusted by other ethnic groups or nationalities who seem to harbor a similar fear akin to that which the White man of Europe and the Americas erroneously has for the Black folks of Africans descent, unfortunately.
“But the emergence of Peter Obi and his trojan entry into the race for President and the assurances that his candidacy depicts is a clear indication that these excuses can no longer be tenable.”
“Everyone should now become their brothers and host so to say to achieve a common purpose. And the desire of making Nigeria flourish as a “one and indivisible” entity. Like one adage impliedly puts it: “When one closes his or her eyes to “existing fault”, they’ll learn the consequences to such foolery through accident”.
“End Time Message!”
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