The Crap Called Ejagham Governorship Is A Metamorphosis As You Can’t Jump From 1 To 10, Without Passing Through 9
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…Can You?
“Tribe Is A Unifying Factor But Becomes A Curse When It Favours But A Few Who Take To Tyranny To Usurp Power.”
“The problem with the Ejagham person unlike the Efiks in Cross River is that of attitude and their lack of brotherhood. The show of indifference by the former to the plights of their kinsmen appears insoluble compared to that of the latter where they often display solidarity for one another in situations where they’re faced with options. Whenever the former, being the Ejagham person in this case, happens to get into a distinctive position of authority, they get their heads swollen and sometimes assume the position of a human God to those of their people, turning a blind eye to their responsibilities, especially their attitude towards those beside them who exhibit some exceptional qualities needing opportunity of such kind from one of their own in the position of influence to accelerate their enhancement to soar higher. It’s their common problem, with a few exceptions. They need reorientation and spiritual rebirth.”
“I am just sighting that as an example of a common case in the sense in which this over-trumpeted deceit of having an Ejagham man this time as Governor, is now being placarded to apportion blame in favor of falsehood and the shenanigans in the display as a clear perpetuation of treachery working in favor of one man’s inordinate ambition which has no bearings whatsoever to the so-called Ejagham renaissance which is being echoed by those coming under the various Facebook account and on several platforms on social media. And the flaunted solidarity in my neighborhood at Big Qua Town, that portends rejection, making a scapegoat out of an innocent man whom Obi Ojage is, is now dead and buried and of no consequence. The choice of Prince Otu’s candidacy as the successor of the current outgoing Governor is ubiquitous. And fits the bill adequately.”
“That’s the simple reason why the Ejagham man can’t see one another succeed except themselves especially when they notice the other man is exhibiting some brilliance they automatically see him as a rival as such everything they notice about the person, they go all out to thwart.
Every human has the tendency to exhibit such traits but the Ejagham as a collective, accomplishes it more and to a ridiculous level and feels no remorse. From Mbembe in Ogoja through Etung being the headquarters and through Akamkpa, Odukpani, and up to the Quas of Calabar Municipality, where I hail from, it feels the same way. That notwithstanding I would’ve bent over backward in support of one who is credible, kind, reciprocating, and accommodating. But this case concerning my brother and friend, Sandy Onor, is a misnomer. It is a movement against the tide embroidered with insoluble prosody so incomprehensible for tolerance at this time, the Ejagham factor makes it even worse. And I say this before God Almighty.”
—Obi Ojage
It’s a beautiful year. And no one can make it less beautiful. Though it professes to hold in its bosom an unimaginable proportion of turbulence conjectured more as the result of the unpredictable forthcoming elections, which would depend largely on us and how we manage the impending truth without replacing it with falsehood.
If not done openly and honestly, as I hear many opined, the transactions are likely to explode. Be that as it may, I will love to go into retrospection a bit for purposes of clarity, especially over what I am about to say in justifying my stands on issues, party affiliation notwithstanding.
My recent quarrel with my buddy of yore, Senator Sandy Ojang Onor, the present gubernatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state of Cross River State, who is known to be my longstanding friend and younger brother of the Ejagham extraction, is not for anything personal or meant as blackmail, but because, except for the effort he made to put into his studies to merit and be awarded a Ph.D. in history and does exhibit some measure of brilliance theretofore, everything he has become in life, politically today, is given to him virtually by people of goodwill, (friends) in an Open generosity known everywhere, and by everyone. And no Ejagham person amongst those I know of has that level of favor by people as Senator Onor. I had hoped I were that privileged.
But on the flip side, he refuses (I wouldn’t know why) to extend help substantially, jealously, and generously, as it is been done to him, as a replication of those unimaginable gestures, to those around him as well. And those who are led to seek his help because they believe he has, being a senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
One of the characteristics of a good leader is his or her ability to cultivate kindness as a virtue. Is a basic requirement if you seek to lead, have or command people’s trust where they would have to surrender whatever confidentiality of themselves and powers to you to enable you to become powerful while they in turn relapse into a state of powerlessness. You must have to earn their trust. And kindness begets such a trust.
To amass and flaunt wealth, however, you acquire it, has never been my standard for measuring success, especially if you live miserly and refuse to help fellow humans even with what you can afford to lose.
There is nothing I owe over the needs that I had failed to give to those who approach me for the same, including my time, love, and knowledge. Those who are lower in status around and who believe that I have, and do come to me for assistance can attest to my generosity. I abhor greed. I do not practice it, so I do not tolerate it. If they’re quarrels I hold with people, especially those I term friends, is hamed on greed.
When I make someone my friend or something brings us together, I would always endeavor to do something which is purely my initiative to such an associate or friend, to deserve his help or assistance when I am in need.
Whether they demand it or not, I will always on my own find a way to make some contributions to justify my friendship. I don’t need to be going to a friend’s house every day to prove my friendship. But I would always want my friends to count on me. That’s what friendship is all about. It is centered on “Help or Assistance”.
I crave to be diligent in whatever contribution I chose to offer humanity in good health from the long life offered to me by the Lord almighty, which makes me fulfilled. Wealth is relative and dependent on values and one’s level of spirituality.
I chose life to wealth and obeisance to nature’s unending supply of wisdom to those elect of the Lord who, as the name implies, must suffer different forms of persecution at the hands of the human devils to purge them of all human attachments to evil tendencies amongst which are greed and covetousness.
However, I had a lot of calls and text messages from people I respect and mutual friends asking me to seize fire on the matter so far, and since my intentions were not to destroy my brother man but to build, I listened. But we are now in a crescendo of the campaigns, and some highlights are necessary. But with no intention to inflame or blackmail. Run but don’t look back, they say, if you’re being chased by a hyena!
But that’s not to say that by such restraint I am creating a soft landing for myself under certain configurations where it may be speculated that I look forward to getting the help of any kind from anybody whether now or in the future. That era is gone.
I have had enough insults from those I consider less endowed where I often belittle myself without worrying, hoping that would create the necessary equilibrium to enhance the synergy of brotherhood. It didn’t work. Ejaghamness is all a liability, and never would it resonate now for whatever reason adduced.
My original support for Prince Bassey Otu up till now is undiminishing, while I became the one who flagged up his candidacy to the forefront a year before the lifting of the ban on political activities in the state, and pushed it to a sophisticated level through numerous articles where I touched every facet of his human relationships at a time cosmogonically when most were in contempt.
Such an act was never based on the South-South agenda, neither was It on the plank of whether he was Ejagham or Efik.
It was rather on my perception from a distance of his humanitarian disposition and exceptional kindness as a hallmark of giving, doing so charitably where others would cling to whatever they had as their “sweat”, urging the exercise of restraint, Otu continued to give out his wealth to elevate the burdens of those who come across him especially the deprived in society.
Consequently, it’s hard to meet the quality demonstrated by him in the area of public acceptability and the awfulness of his regard for people. He towers far above his peers. And that’s what the citizens yearn for in their assessment of who fits the bill.
That makes it imperative for the entire people of the state to be circumspect in their consideration for the choice of who succeeds our outgoing Governor, Professor Ben Ayade. This is not partisanship. It’s plain and honest talk.
We have been bombarded and seen too much intellectualism on display in every facet of the activities of the current Government through the outgoing Governor, himself an intellectual, let’s have a break from that milieu to something mild, not the neck-breaking, but more importantly, the people-centered and result-oriented sarcasm in its stead.
I have said it, and I will always say it proudly that I am royalty. My late father Chief Micheal Ndep Ojage died a popular retired Nigerian police officer, who became a customary court judge, and paramount chief of Agborkem German (Osijinge) of a typical Ejagham combined villages, and so too is my late mother’s, Mma Ewan Edem Offiong Effiwatt of Adogase and Effiwatt dynasty of Qua and Inserong respectively. So nobody can lay claim to Efik or Ejagham tribes in the state of the cross river than myself.
The problem with the Ejagham person unlike the Efiks in Cross River is that of attitude and their lack of brotherhood. The show of indifference by the former to the plights of their kinsmen appears insoluble compared to that of the latter where they often display solidarity for one another in situations where they’re faced with options.
Whenever the former, being the Ejagham person in this case happens to get into a distinctive position of authority, they get their heads swollen and sometimes assume the position of a human God to those of their people, turning a blind eye to their responsibilities especially their attitude towards those beside them who exhibit some exceptional qualities needing opportunity of such kind from one of their own in the position of influence to accelerate their enhancement to soar higher. It’s their common problem, with a few exceptions.
They need reorientation and spiritual rebirth. I can not now be seen to subscribe to a sudden and unbridled renaissance on account of an individual’s coordinated ambition with all the trappings of tyranny in the exhibition. That wouldn’t make me a true Ejagham person, or, would it?
That’s the simple reason why the Ejagham man can’t see one another succeed except themselves especially when they notice the other man is exhibiting some brilliance they automatically see him as a rival as such everything they notice about the person, they go all out to thwart.
Every human has the tendency to exhibit such traits but the Ejagham as a collective, accomplishes it more and to a ridiculous level and feels no remorse. From those in mbembe in Ogoja, to part of Ikom, down to Etung being the headquarters and through Akamkpa, Odukpani, and up into the Quas of Calabar Municipality, where I hail from, it feels the same way.
That notwithstanding I would’ve bent over backward in support of one who is credible, kind, reciprocating, and accommodating. But this case concerning my brother and friend, Sandy Onor, is a misnomer.
It is a movement against the tide embroidered with insoluble prosody so incomprehensible for tolerance at this time, the Ejagham factor makes it even worse. And I say this before God Almighty.
It’s not only nonsensical and primitive, for such a huge tribe and collection of people with a single ethnic majority within the Cross river community towering over other ethnic groups with an array of brilliant men and women around unco-opted equitable to the ratio of those in positions of authority who were to insist on the elevation of those who merit such assistance amongst their Ejagham brother below the ladder in need of such a push, is not only worrisome but it’s also the bane towards their development of themselves.
They need to evolve a spiritual approach to come out of that tortuous act by a people with brightness shown all over them, the majority of who are truly stunning, and to do so by their performances in every department which are usually seen beyond average, is apt.
Take for example myself as a typical case of an Ejagham person made redundant largely by these discriminatory propensities.
Modestly speaking, I have been so many things coiled into one. A politician, analyst, writer, public commentator, theosophist, activist emeritus, and a Christ Devotee.
My mates at the same level of professional performance and experience both in politics and out of it, who are Yoruba are forces to be reckoned with in the country doing the very thing I do so here, mildly, but relatively unsung by a people whose heart is like stone, but are the ones now preaching Ejaghamness….how?
All through you see them here and there, from Abuja to Port Harcourt blocking others; at the same time looking for help to be appointed this or that in the system as if they’re the only one.
At the partisan level, what do I get, hatred and conspiracy by my very Ejagham brothers who think I should be silent with all manner of concocted stories to discourage anyone who is seen to be potentially helpful to my course politically?
That may sound personal, anyway. But you’ll then ask, why am I still in politics? It is to help correct the wrongs. If those who claim to be better in character, fail to partake in the business of who rules us or strive to be at the helm of affairs, the bad people will take charge ultimately. Which is why I and many others are still here. And I don’t think I am going away soon.
Most of the quarrels I had with Prince Otu’s men from Odukpani initially, is because they say I am too tilted towards my Ejagham brothers, namely, Senator John Owan Enoh and Sandy Ojang Onor. And most of the trouble I equally have with both John and his supporters, and even now, are because they say I am too critical of Johns’s initial opposition to Prince Otu’s candidacy unduly.
While my breakage which took a near hostile proportion and dimensions with the original Catapillar, stems from the fact that I have allowed my self to be used cheaply by his opponent but seeks to grandstand when it comes to doing the same in his favor, poor me.
Everybody knows how close both of us have been, myself with the PDP Governorship candidate Onor, who is my Ejagham brother and how I often eulogize and praise his oratory prowess, and other accomplishments, and do go all out, big as I am to put that in writing on a series of articles written by me, and yet he couldn’t send me an invitation during the recent launch of his book.
I am just sighting that as an example of a common case in the sense in which this over-trumpeted deceit of having an Ejagham man this time as Governor, is now being placarded to apportion blame in favor of falsehood and the shenanigans in the display as a clear perpetuation of treachery working in favor of one man’s inordinate ambition which has no bearings whatsoever to the so-called Ejagham renaissance which is being echoed by those coming under the various Facebook account and on several platforms on social media. And the flaunted solidarity in my neighborhood at Big Qua Town; that portends rejection, making a scapegoat out of an innocent man whom Obi Ojage is, is now dead and buried and of no consequence.
The choice of Prince Otu as the successor of the current outgoing Governor is ubiquitous. And fits the bill adequately. And I so stand indomitable before any measure of justification.
The so-called Ejagham elites in politics had done everything to isolate not only myself alone, but many others who had thought they should have been of help but they’re not. In my case is because of the influence I “Will” whenever I am in a place. They’ll never feel comfortable seeing me sit at the same table in full authority at par with them and not feel “little” on the inside on account of history.
This is apparent because I saw most of them in their prime when they were scraping the surface in the discovery of self, and there I was as good, as one of those whom they venerated deeply in their eyes and minds, for who they saw and imagined I was in their subconscious then, and it does resonate often, with me on site.
And unfortunately, I still exert those rays of energy to their chagrin, influences in my character disposition, and mien, so some of them feel overtly intimidated and so would prefer that I am only heard not seen.
That’s their nemesis. I have never benefited from being an Ejagham man. And do not expect that to resonate with anything beneficial to me now or in the future, with the kind of souls calling the shots.
No matter what, one needs help from their people as an encouragement to attain higher heights in politics, particularly in national politics, more especially those of us who have chosen this rough path of radicalism. But I haven’t had that from my Ejagham brothers most of who are up there in Abuja while I am down here. All they ever do is talk ill of me.
But not for the Lord and the way I have intellectually brought myself to the forefront through hard work (not by being Ejagham) in my series of engagements with the public through my writings, especially in my unrelenting defense of the current President, General Mohammadu Buhari, though thanklessly, they would have messed me up. They all read my articles whether or not they’d gained anything from it matters less to me, but I am still a choice, a voice, and a force they can’t ignore.
Everybody should know where he or she is going. I know where I am going. And with time the Lord will surely place our dear country and state where we should be. And people will see how a human being should live and what a country or state should be like with humble, selfless, and generous people at the helm of affairs especially those who display integrity and are upholders of empathy as a sin qua none for living life truly.
Isn’t it a surprise to see chief Orock Otu Duke my friend, become a member representing the state on the board of NDDC at this time? I am pretty sure Orock himself never thought of that as part of his expectations a year ago. But that’s what is called the turn of life. You never know.
I am sure if Orock were to be an Ejagham man, there would’ve been numerous petitions encouraged to be written, stating why it shouldn’t be him but someone else. Who, is fooling who? Is it Ntufam, Ntunkae, or Orje’ ka’ mfam?
Sadly, there is nothing that anybody could have that someone somewhere hasn’t got. Jealousy kills vision. Envy destroys and inhibits the Lord’s hand on an affair. But not that whose time has come.
Learn to cultivate your garden, and let the world go by. The Ejagham people must first learn to unite to be their brothers, sisters, and keepers. And not the sudden call urging one to embrace metamorphoses.
Cross River State is so important to be left in the hands of one who is self-conceited, imbues covetousness, or exerts and dresses fulfillment in sensuality and tightfistedness. All that goes against nature’s tide.
That’s the position I hold. You’re free to express yours. Mark you, I am not running for any office, I may do that in due time. So, making me a target is of no use in this case. Happy New Year once again, me Broda-man!
End Time Message!
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