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Comrade Obi Ojage of APC Cross River State, Nigeria Says I continue to play my role in politics constructively unabated
Opinion Politics

Discernment As Enabling Force To Help Assert One’s Self In Face Of Deceit In Highly Partisan Environment

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“Your Strength In Politics Is Anchored On The Choice You Make And Not The Ability To Blackmail For Self-Interest Or Your Support To Justify Illegitimacy”

“ALL of that was propelled by my insistence on having the truth prevail over falsehood and my conviction in what I saw in Prince Bassey Otu, the candidate of the All Progressives Congress, (APC), as one ordained by the finger of the Almighty to govern the state. And I didn’t mince words in expressing the truth in the quality I find in him. Given ten different times of similar contests, Prince Otu will still win convincingly as the preferred choice of the people to succeed the outgoing governor, Professor Ben Ayade.”

“WHEN you stand for the truth, you do not fight for what is meant for you in the event of a scramble. You are given your due in full quantity when truth becomes manifest in due time from that which falsehood shrouds as a result of the volume of those who embrace it by the lure of what they hoped to get in the immediacy of their mindless craves from the display of their malevolence. You are not prone to back the wrong horse in the first place, as one who stands for the truth. Rather a truth hovers within us as the latent power that propels the inner mind towards what is truthful and helps the human being to look through the fog of falsehood used by evil men or those I call human devils to insulate the truth. What is required of us simply is the desire for truth and the Holy Spirit will do the rest. Agreed that those supporting the part of falsehood get a reprieve from certain austerity measures in place and do benefit from whichever success is associated with such support which is usually temporary, but the end is usually calamitous judging from the history of those who have traded that road.”

“BY that, I am not referring to the discourtesy in the prevalence of today where partisanship allows persons of doublespeak prone to indolence and of low mentality or those of questionable characters imbued with the spirit of indecision, but due to nepotistic tendencies or the attempt in leadership to promote hero-worshiping and incompetence, are brought from their enclaves, local cleaving, and village huts and given sensitive positions in government undue for their intellectual capacity, exposure, and probity. It is in such situations where these lots are often entrusted with huge funds of pubic money for development purposes which are turned into personal use to make the fellows involved look and sound impervious with the sudden feeling of what they’re not in terms of their worth, endowment, or inputs.”

“CROSS River state has never had a victory less controversial, sweet in the ear, incredible to be imagined, and welcoming, than that of the current winner of the last gubernatorial election in the person of Prince (Senator) Bassey Otu of the APC. Everybody in the state today feels happy and expectant. That’s the kind of leadership that commands respect because it draws its strength from the people. I may have to speak on that extensively in my next article where I hope, in the spirit of our friendship, will be able to speak to my friend and the Ejagham junior brother, Professor Sandy Onor that the fight is over. Please, stay on with me here.”

—Obi Ojage

Welcome to my world, brothers, sisters, and friends alike. I was away on a forceful political sabbatical as a respite from the powers of my instincts not to join issues with deviance nor compromise my resolve to stand for truth as they are, which refrained me completely from engaging in things that do not merit my testimonies on the goings on in our beloved country today as a truth searcher.

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I have refused to join evil men to acclaim evil or to embrace their failure to imagine what seems ominous ahead if we continue in the act of turning black to white and vice-versa. My concern strictly would now be on the issues surrounding my candidate in the state of the cross river. Anything out of that is beyond me to comment on, and I say this before the Holy Spirit, and I lie not.

I hope my highly cherished huge audience on the net which is made up of the low, high, and mighty in society should understand my predicament in that respect.

“When and if we should win the election was the slogan then, now we have won squarely! The ball is in your court to execute, Your Excellency, Sir….”

You don’t fight to legitimize the truth, it is ubiquitous.

Why do people fight to justify any victory through means other than the one stipulated by the law of the land as enhanced through the democratic process of voting and being voted for, whereas the preponderance of the evidence of support by the citizen points to that fact and their overwhelming support continues to sore without the usual jubilation and had failed to wane even in the face of discordancy, why? Do you know? I will tell you!

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It is because the mandate in question does not have the will or blessings of the people. That, of cause, wouldn’t have been a victory by an act of its people’s votes, but an imposition. Before God and Man, it wouldn’t stand or was not meant to be. I may be wrong.

Cross River State has never had a victory less controversial, sweet in the ear, incredible to be imagined, and welcoming than that of the current winner of the last gubernatorial election, in the person of Prince (Senator) Bassey Otu. Everybody in the state today, feels happy and expectant. That’s the kind of leadership that commands respect because it draws its strength from the people.

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Cross River State Governor-elect, Prince Bassey Otu

I may have to speak on that extensively in my next article where I hope, in the spirit of our friendship, will be able to speak to my friend and the Ejagham junior brother, Professor Sandy Onor, that the fight is now over! Please, stay on with me here on that.

Truth is constant. It is birthed by God’s consciousness. A man who does not fear God, can not stand for truth. He wavers and gambles his way all through the time full of innuendos.

Truth is deep because it is constantly shrouded by falsehood and the ephemerality of offers around it which is meant to attract the gullible and feeble-minded in society. Whereas, and more so, only those who do not adhere to or fear the injunctions as ascribed in the will of the Lord almighty, do fall for its cancerous antics because their thoughts are futile.

While those who caress falsehood manipulate themselves through to get what they get by their actions, the one who embraces truth laughs through without any grudges towards what they erroneously claimed to be theirs in their usual faulty assumptions. Because what is meant for him is due for him when truth prevails in time. And all that is rooted in the decisions one makes and the attitude employed in seeing it to a logical end.

Indecision on the other hand, is the by-product of mendaciousness. And mostly the “undecided” are those who caused all the indifference we often find in the world. Decisions must be taken however it is, whether it favors us or not if only it is enveloped in truth and meant to serve a general purpose and not privilege few in society, it’s fine!.

Whereas “discernment” is the by-product of a mind that yearns or stands for the truth and its beneficiaries hardly miss their targets in their search for those who are honestly desirable to affiliate with; in achieving results, different from those who do not enjoy that aspect of spiritual endowment which is a preserve of those who earnestly and subtly seek the truth.

When you stand for the truth, you do not fight for what is meant for you. You are given it in full measure when truth becomes manifest in due time from that which falsehood shrouds as a result of the volume of those who embrace it by the lure of what they hoped to get in the immediacy of their mindless craves from the display of their malevolence.

With such consciousness displayed by a man of truth, you hardly would be prone to back the wrong horse as one who abhors falsehood in favor of the truth. The primary duty of truth as a force inert in our subconscious is to hover within us as the latent power that propels the inner mind towards what is obvious and bare which helps the human being to look through the fog of falsehood used by evil men or those I called human devils in my definition of evildoers, to insulate the truth.

The benefits heretofore, for those who stand for the truth, are enormous, one of them is that of harnessing the peace of mind from eluding its adherence as well as their having less explanation to make to justify their standards as everything they subscribe to is made bare to the fair-minded. The absence of all these is the trouble with Nigeria.

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Those in authority out of self-interest, now tern to make evil in our society a matter of choice and not a condemnable act anymore. Truth is no more upheld as something noble but used only in areas where it suits us and ignored where it doesn’t. And this is dangerous. I may be wrong!

My support for the winner in the Cross River Governorship election, Prince (Senator) Bassey Otu, is born out of foresight, not an afterthought, just like in the case of the former governor of the state, Mr. Donald Duke of yore, which is typical of me. I had always stood for what has a semblance of truth in it, which is usually what attracts me to those to whom I often give my thankless but unrelenting support at any given time. It is in my DNA.

My inner mind rarely fails me whenever I pray and seek its counsel towards the decisions I make especially over issues of leadership, and my search for those ordained by the Lord as leaders, at a given time, even where I have choices that are lucrative from which to make my decisions for personal gains in line with conventions.

The respect and regard usually accorded me in my stance for the truth by those I support in the manner I do to succeed, be it in politics or out of it; in appreciation, often carries a touch of divinity especially that displayed by Duke and Imoke both of whom were Governors of our dear state at the time in our days in the PDP. And it fared well, even though I did not excel as others then, (who now behave as if the got their positions and wealth from heaven or extra work, and not favour done them as a result of their rules in politics) which was never the fault of anyone, but myself.*

By that, I am not referring to the discourtesy in the prevalence of today where partisanship supports falsehood and allows persons of doublespeak prone to indolence and of low mentality or those of questionable characters imbued with the spirit of indecision, but due to nepotistic tendencies or the attempt in leadership to promote hero-worshiping and incompetence, are brought from their enclaves, local cleave, and village huts and given sensitive positions in government undue for their intellectual capacity, exposure, and probity.

It is in such situations where these lots are often entrusted with huge funds of pubic money for development purposes which are turned into personal use to make the fellows involved look and sound impervious with the sudden feeling of what they’re not in terms of their worth, endowment, or inputs.

That’s where arrogance stems and prevails which helps to contribute to the usual failure of a government riddled in such an atmosphere of incapacitation, lacking in the ability to provide the expected quality dividends required in a democracy, which now seems to make it an evil pursuit, being discouragement to those of sound mind and proven abilities and agilities favored who had hopped to take part in politics to ensure good governance. Even the Lord of the Host is perceived to abhor such phenomena in the acts of men.

People must deserve what they are being accorded, either on merit or through inheritance and not by primitive allotments of our common patrimony to promote grandiosity by an undeserving element who are today seemingly in charge of affairs for partisanship’s sake, unfortunately, in the noble game of politics which is being practiced elsewhere by men and women of high values and of a sound mind and ethical behaviors, who are a delight given to man positions of authority, not nonentities and those who shamelessly tell bare face lies to survive

This was why when things turns out differently for this set of individuals, they start to use blackmail, different forms of manipulations, or the use of middlemen to solicit positions from persons whom they originally rejected at the inception of their aspirations for one reason or another, who are those they now eulogize to curry favor. And partisan politics gives rise to such a treacherous act. Those leaders who fall for the gimmicks of these turn-coats fair whether accomplices now favorites, often regret it because of their precariousness.

That’s why I do not regret anything I do to enhance the truth. It soothes me like a balm for my kind of person. And it always came back the same way. And often make me afford luxury in laughing last!

Nevertheless, the same opportunity came back another circle, with all the trappings and indecision on the part of those who now happily chorus hosanna in the highest to hail the victor in the person of Prince Bassey Otu. And because I can identify truth amid falsehood, I embraced him and did the best I could in my defense, and support the project to succeed despite all the insults and threats on my person to quit, I was important in my resolve to slog it out with our challengers. And here we are!

Those who usually use all means to bulldoze their way still lament and are trying in all ways to find their way back. I see them always moving in circles. And that is not what I had wished for myself deep in the spirit of my engagement in politics, whether I gain or lose, I shall always support the most preferred by the people in a Democracy due to the person’s suitability, ability, and agility, and not on the bases of self-interest nor partisanship.

I had always wanted to be a power broker, which is why I am still in politics, where I can say, oh, please, can you help me put this person here, and please Sir, will it be possible to give that person so, so and so the position for my sake, and not necessarily calling people to give them huge sums of money in millions and aiming at getting more millions by all means available, to stay rich at all cost. That’s not my thought of why I am here on earth or by extension, being in politics.

And that is what makes most people with a great sense of value compromise on those values out of pressure to get rich or meet certain expectations of society at all costs, which for me is rubbish. Learn to cultivate your garden and let the world go by, you’ll have peace, both in the mind and around your environment!

I have always loved to give people the right image of themselves and I seem to be doing just that through my writings.

I make sure my articles are tilted towards the elevation of the human mind to accept the vagaries of life and his attitude towards his self-realization over that which I seek to explain, be it in our local politics, philosophy of life, theosophy, or religion at any dimension.

I am often open to discussing any aspect of the God-realization otherwise known as the Christ consciousness. Be it in the aspect as expressed in the Holy Bible, other books of similar good intentions, human philosophy, or the fallout from my experience in the hands of evil men and the Occult, I am ready to engage in such discussions anytime with anyone.

I believe strongly that If one can get all that they have or crave to be, without compromising their resolve to stand for the truth at all times, you’re more than a king.

You can have all the positions in the world, for all I care, good for you!

End Time Message!


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