Do Not Kill Yourself. You’re A God. You’ve Lost Nothing. Is A World Without End
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“Don’t Mortgage Your Soul For A Pot Of Porridge. Stand Firm As The God That You Are. Uphold Goodness And Mercy By Avoiding Wickedness And Envy”
Part (1)
“If you can’t do much now, never worry yourself, especially if you’re approaching 70 years of age or in your 80s, your focus should now be on how to nourish your Soul person to enable you to earn a place in the next world if the present habitation becomes toxic and your Soul decides to disembark from its socket here to somewhere conducive. Do not join them to take evil routes for succour on the pretext that you want to avoid their trouble only to now live as a man with a good heart but immersed in the holocaust of iniquity. They’re already in big trouble themselves. or by your hankering to attain a higher position in life through means other than your efforts laced with good intentions mostly over things with a short span of impact, it leads to perdition. Get your priority right. For it Is a world without end.”
“You were formed in the womb of your mother. Get that right in your subconscious mind to assert yourself properly as the God that you are; both mind and body. So you’re not pushed around unnecessarily by the whimsicality of those less endowed. Let the Holy Spirit do the rest. The Holy Spirit is a reflection of the Holy Ghost or put it succinctly, it is that aspect of the Ghost in the void as part of Mother Nature that is in contact with your Soul person because they’re the same in purpose and coming from the same source all in the void. Wherever there is a God, the spirits are there to help it accomplish its mission or in expressing its essence. Do not be deceived further by those who continue to tell you of a God whom they claim to be operating somewhere they call heaven above, whereas they’re here all to themselves receiving and monopolising everything in sight, offering sacrifices of all forms, mostly of human blood to Deities which are made up of the souls of evil men and women entrapped in their graves unable to move further on as a result of their evil deed. This is why you must avoid all forms of evil to merit nature’s blessings in time. And death shall only come alive to enhance your transition at the fulness of time for good and never for bad”
“Death is nothing but a period where the Soul, the real “you” leaves the body, either by force enhanced by evil activities of human devils, an affliction caused by pollution or by its volution at the fullness of time known only to it. This is why you must endeavour to take care of your Soul not to experience untimely death but only that initiated by the Soul when it chooses to leave its habitation after accomplishing a particular task meant for that time and place, it now picks up a brand new body where it starts forming itself into another “you” inside the womb of another woman who is now going to be your God and that may take between eight-to-nine-month intervals in a womb that serves as its creator, chosen by it to enable “you” to continually enjoying your life again packed with experience from lessons learnt in the previous life. Isn’t that wonderful? Flee from evil and death will just be another transition into another life’s experience somewhere in a better environment still here in this beautiful world with an elastic span without end.”
“Endeavour to develop a skill and be fully in charge of your world. It doesn’t matter your station in life, provided there is hope for tomorrow. What truly matters is the love you exert to magnetize same to accord you the level of peace of heart you enjoy amid daily turmoils and with a mind full of gratitude to nature for your life and not to duel in hate, and exert bitterness and vendetta over short-lived things. Providence is bound to knock at your door and the Holy Spirit shall do the rest for you just in the same way and manner you attract oxygen from the atmosphere to breathe without soliciting for it. There is always gold dust in the air for those who exude peace and are in tune with their Soul force. I wish to say something here for clarity. So those gullible and indolent Christians, even though I am one, who are quick to criticise based on Bible theology and revelation do not crucify me here unduly for saying that there is no God and that man was never created. Well, let me explain. And in doing so, permit me not to go into the history of the meaning or the origin of any particular word. Which are some of the fake attitude exhibited by most gospel preachers as a proof of how much they know Bible history.”
“Life is light. And light is life is nature. And nature just occurred and from nature, everything else occurred through the Soul force, especially in the case of humankind. The soul is in life. And the Soul does not die. And to experience light the must be darkness to illuminate it into view. Therefore darkness you would say is light in another form because it gives vent to light into view. Nobody created anybody. Things, humankind, animals and vegetation occurred just the same as the earth in its form including the rivers, seas, and oceans and their likes, equally occurred and took a form into existence.
“Therefore there was no beginning as such, its likely there won’t be any ending. Everything about life just occurred from an idea that was and had ever been, the idea of everything. The beginning is a reflection of humankind acting as a visible living idea. Only on earth exists the idea of a “Beginning” because humankind engaged in creating things that occurred to it by the power of imagination. The Soul in him is a God unto itself with awesome powers to reproduce itself. I pray you find ample time to think about this”.
– Obi Ojage
After all the hulubulu of ferrying around the oceans, driving in luxurious automobiles, eating, drinking and mating, it will all boil down to you, your individuality singular. Where do you stand in this life’s journey when it all comes to an abrupt end sometime soon? Oh, doesn’t it matter to you? O’ Yes, it does. Now come let’s reason together – shall we? Let’s go!
There is nobody anywhere said to be a “God” than you. Yes, you! I am talking to you, don’t be deceived. You’re a God. Take your place and do exploits. Nothing qualifies you to live as you so choose on this earth than your resilience and the right knowledge of who you are in the equation and rationalities of is, what that is. And the ability in you to make a difference. Resist the Devil they say, and it will flee, come on!
If you can’t do much now, never worry yourself, especially if you’re approaching 70 years of age or in your 80s, your focus should now be on how to nourish your Soul person to enable you to earn a place in the next world if the present habitation becomes toxic and your Soul decides to disembark from its socket here to somewhere conducive. Do not join them to take evil routes for succour on the pretext that you want to avoid their trouble only to now live as a man with a good heart but immersed in the holocaust of iniquity. They’re already in big trouble themselves. or by your hankering to attain a higher position in life through means other than your efforts laced with good intentions mostly over things with a short span of impact, it leads to perdition. Get your priority right. For it Is a world without end.
Jesus told those who were listening to him to beware of impostors, especially those empty braggarts, that if he had not brought the message of salvation to them, they would’ve had reasons to continue in their ignorance and braggadocio. But now that he has painstakingly told them about the wastrel of their act. They do not have any excuse.
To move this argument further, the next person to call your God, if you must, is your mother who gave birth to you! You were formed in her womb through the aid of a Soul-force. At no time were you created. Your father can be anybody best known to your mother as the one who impregnated her. So discard that crap of being created. You are not.
You were formed in the womb of your mother. Get that right in your subconscious mind to assert yourself properly as the God that you are; both mind and body. So you’re not pushed around unnecessarily by the whimsicality of those less endowed. Let the Holy Spirit do the rest.
The Holy Spirit is a reflection of the Holy Ghost or put it succinctly, it is that aspect of the Ghost in the void as part of Mother Nature that is in contact with your Soul person because they’re the same in purpose and coming from the same source all in the void. Wherever there is a God, the spirits are there to help it accomplish its mission or express its essence.
Do not be deceived further by those who continue to tell you of a God whom they claim to be operating somewhere they call heaven above, whereas they’re here all to themselves receiving and monopolising everything in sight, offering sacrifices of all forms, mostly of human blood to Deities which are made up of the souls of evil men and women entrapped in their graves unable to move further on as a result of their evil deed. This is why you must avoid all forms of evil to merit nature’s blessings in time. And death shall only come alive to enhance your transition at the fulness of time for good and never for bad
It is not a must that you should become what your modest efforts can’t afford you, where you now resort to self-help, pledging to do the bidding of demonic forces to achieve success which is tight to conditionalities shrouded in secrecy. It doesn’t matter who has got what, become what and when. We all cannot be the same thing at the same time. Much of that too depends on our individual values. All that will pass away sooner than you think, especially when it is rooted in falsehood padded with greed.
Stand on your lane. Mind you, no God ever suffers! Whoever causes a God to suffer in its innocent and unduly; is domed.
Endeavour to develop a skill and be fully in charge of your world. It doesn’t matter your station in life, provided there is hope for tomorrow. What truly matters is the love you exert to magnetize same to accord you the level of peace of heat you enjoy amid turmoil and with a mind full of gratitude to nature for your life and not to duel in hate, and exert bitterness and vendetta over short-lived things. Providence is bound to knock at your door and the Holy Spirit shall do the rest for you just in the same way and manner you attract oxygen from the atmosphere to breathe without soliciting for it. There is always gold dust in the air for those who exude peace and are in tune with their Soul force.
Those men and women who put material attention beyond the security of their souls hardly can think of eternity as something realisable. They speak in their mouth but their hearts are telling lies especially those seen in high and low places proclaiming the name of Jesus of Nazareth hypocritically asserting his divine sonship in our religious houses as if they’re themselves Moses. They are revered as holy ones but continue to exhibit a high degree of desperation in their quest for material things over the things of their Souls. This includes some leaders especially politicians most of whom allegedly get entrapped by the quest to get on top at all costs and remain there perpetually prompting them to be engaged in secret acts with passion towards all manner of wickedness to the pleasure of Deities especially those that are notorious for perpetrating evil in society to justify that state of being which seemingly appears to be the norm owing to its proliferation and the gains that follow thereto.
These people do so as seekers of everything as they say in local parlance, who resort to self-help often to change the course of nature by force of their agility through the support of the Deities to suit what they want here on earth by all means possible all because of their impatience and ignorance of who they are.
What these categories of desperate people who resort to shortcuts suffer internally are away from public knowledge otherwise those who admire them would seize to do so ever. The losses weigh more when compared to what they go through subsequently as the consequence of their involvement in evil acts as a means to climb to where they are, be it in politics, business or other aspects of life. As such, their entire life is characterised by regrets as a scar with which they’re bound to take to their graves. You can see how they live, especially those of your men of the gods. Do they look like people who are aiming to go somewhere as soon as they claim; other than being here by force of their belligerence to have things at all costs in their favour? Be wise!
I urge those who are going through this write-up to embrace the Christ Consciousnesses and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. That was the mission of Jesus of Nazareth, the bringer of the Christ Consciousnesses to humanity. The same sonship Jesus has with the Lord as a Ghost that operates in the void as that part of Mother Nature operating and upholding life, you too have, except for the chasm which is exactly what I seek to unravel heretofore.
Embibe the Christ Consciousnesses now and live forever by paying attention to the dictates of your Soul and not your mind nor the senses. And you won’t die by occurrences instigated by mortals except when your soul chooses to transcend by leaving the present form to take up another through the process of rebirth.
Death is nothing but a period where the Soul, the real “you” leaves the body, either by force enhanced by evil activities of human devils, an affliction caused by pollution or by its volution at the fullness of time known only to it. This is why you must endeavour to take care of your Soul not to experience untimely death but only that initiated by the Soul when it chooses to leave its habitation after accomplishing a particular task meant for that time and place, it now picks up a brand new body at old age where it starts forming itself into another “you” inside the womb of another woman who is now going to be your God and that may take between nine-to-ten-month intervals in a womb that serves as its creator, chosen by it to enable “you” to continually enjoying your life again, packed with experience from lessons learnt in the previous life. Isn’t that wonderful? Flee therefore from evil and death will just be another transition with “you” into another life’s experience somewhere in a better environment still here in this beautiful world with an elastic span without end.
In this case, death is an enabler to those who are in tune with their soul force than those who are not. To them, dying is grave. Because it is going to move them out of their temporary enjoyment into a life of suffering perpetually because of the weight of evil acts on their soul which has made it impossible for them to proceed further into another life still on the earth which has no end. You see?
When a soul does not want to leave the body where it habits at any given time, it has a mechanism in place at various times or levels to wade away incursions or outrightly prevent anything that could force it out of its body from getting to it. One such -weapon or instrument used is to attract unseen forces such as the Angels who are hovering spirits which would now encamp around such bodies to prevent attacks of any sort from coming close.
I wish to say something here for clarity. So those gullible and indolent Christians, even though I am one, who are quick to criticise based on Bible theology and revelation do not crucify me here unduly for saying that there is no God and that man was never created. Well, let me explain. And in doing so, permit me not to go into the history of the meaning or the origin of any particular word. Which are some of the fake attitude exhibited by most gospel preachers as a proof of how much they know Bible history.
Unfortunately, words are meant for communication solely to convey meaning in exactly what is intended by the user and depending on the audience to whom the message or such message is directed. If that is achieved, finito, then it is said that the use of a particular word or series of words in the context in which they’re used would’ve been accomplished. Sending the message across is completed.
However, that is not my primary concern here. I am not an English schooler nor do I speak Greek or Latin. Whoever concerns themselves with such an inquest should continue in that trajectory. I say what I know through the spirit of inspiration. I will be so happy if whoever it is does painstakingly devote time as I endeavour to enrich human knowledge on matters of life.
There have been thousands of books written on this topic or something like it. I chose to come up with my version for you to make a distinction however best.
Life is light. And light is life is nature. And nature just occurred and from nature, everything else occurred through the Soul force, especially in the case of humankind. The soul is in life. And the Soul does not die. And to experience light the must be darkness to illuminate it into view. Therefore darkness you would say is light in another form because it gives vent to light into view. Nobody created anybody, things, humankind, animals and vegetation occurred just the same as the earth in its form including the rivers, seas, and oceans and their likes, equally occurred and took a form into existence.
Therefore there was no beginning as such, it’s most likely there won’t be any ending. Everything about life just occurred from an idea that was and had ever been, the idea of everything. The beginning is a reflection of humankind acting as a visible living idea. Only on earth exists the idea of a “Beginning” because humankind engaged in creating things that occurred to it by the power of imagination. The Soul in him is a God unto itself with awesome powers to reproduce itself. I pray you find ample time to think about this.
Soul as a force could be termed literally as the heart of Mother Nature. Ghost as an invincibility being part of Nature’s effulgence if you like, distinctively operates as a Soul acting as that aspect of life in existence derives its nature as part of Mother Nature that projects itself in life as an upring of itself to take the form of humankind as Soul in existence. Let’s stop so far before you’re lost in thought for those of you who are interested in espying into the mystery of life especially humankind as I do.
Haven’t said that, let’s talk a bit about the word God, what is it or what that phrase indicates and what it is meant to accomplish when people utter the word in the sense in which they do.
Except you’re referring to the Souls of Death people mostly “wicket” people who are held down in the grave unable to incarnate back to life to continue where they stopped. The next thing open to such a being is to hover around as human Ghosts where they now offer themselves to be consulted by most spiritualists and church founders engrossed in secret practice of sorcery worship in their various alter and from where they’re said to draw occultic powers while using the universally venerated name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to blindfold and deceive the vulnerable to believe that they are of the Lord, but they heart’s is telling lies.
Conversely, could be referring to those Souls that have exhausted their period of incarnation here on the earth and now devolved into ethereality whom some clairvoyance do sort and draw powers from as “Deities” to whom they often offer human blood as sacrifices to gain certain advantages meant to alter the design of nature over their lives as ordinary human subject to nature’s whims and purpose?
Those are the exceptions otherwise you’re God in your own right. Everything bad begins and ends with you! But there are consequences to every major action you take to undermine the essence of your existence.
By the way, the word “God” is often used loosely to express our state of incapacitation, isn’t it so, or so it seems? Right!!
- My name is Obi Offiong Ojage.
(I am a Christ Devotee. And in partisan politics).
END Time Message!
God With Us…..
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