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CNPP Champions Recognition for Prof. Humphrey Nwosu As True Hero of Nigeria's Democracy Day
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CNPP Champions Recognition for Prof. Humphrey Nwosu As True Hero of Nigeria’s Democracy Day

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Conference Of Nigeria Political Parties (CNPP) has called for the long-overdue recognition of Professor Humphrey Nwosu. As the chairman of the National Electoral Commission of Nigeria (NECON) during the landmark June 12, 1993, presidential election, Prof. Nwosu’s contributions have been pivotal in shaping Nigeria’s democratic journey.

The CNPP, through its Deputy National Publicity Secretary, Comrade James Ezema, has underscored Prof. Nwosu’s courageous actions that led to an election now celebrated as a symbol of democratic hope.

The umbrella body of all registered political parties and political associations in Nigeria stressed that without Prof. Nwosu’s bold implementation of the Option A4 voting system, June 12 would not hold its place as a significant date in Nigeria’s history.

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According to the statement, despite his instrumental role in this democratic milestone, Prof. Nwosu remains conspicuously absent from the roster of honorees on Democracy Day.

The CNPP decries this omission and calls for an inclusive celebration that duly recognizes all architects of Nigeria’s freedom.

Comrade Ezema pointed out that the essence of Nigeria’s challenges lies not within its anthem or constitution but in the attitudes of political figures across administrations. He advocates for a shift towards inclusivity that befits Prof. Nwosu’s enduring legacy.

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The CNPP’s statement also touched upon the sensitive issue of ethnicity in national recognition, urging leaders to contemplate a imbalance and strive for unity and brotherhood as enshrined in Nigeria’s national anthem.

As Democracy Day is commemorated, the CNPP said it firmly believes in honouring all heroes who have shaped Nigeria’s democracy.

“A nation that forgets its heroes will itself soon be forgotten,” warns CNPP’s Comrade Ezema, emphasizing the importance of remembering figures like Prof. Nwosu in Nigeria’s historical narrative.

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Prof. Humphrey Nwosu’s distinguished career as a political scientist and administrator is marked by his tenure as NECON chairman, where he oversaw one of Nigeria’s freest and fairest elections.

His legacy continues to fuel discussions on electoral reforms and democracy in Nigeria.

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