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Governor Ahmed Usman Ododo of Kogi State and National Secretary of the NTYTP, Arc Bello Muhammed
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Kogi State’s Leap into Progress: Governor Ododo’s Fresh Approach Sets New Standards — NTYTP Scribe

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In an era where political promises often fade into the background, Kogi State stands out as a beacon of progress, thanks to the dynamic leadership of Governor Ahmed Usman Ododo. This was the view of the National Secretary of the Not Too Young To Perform (NTYTP), Arc Bello Muhammed, who lauded the Governor’s transformative initiatives that continue to astonish and delight the citizens of Kogi State.

In a chat with newsmen in Abuja, Muhammed expressed his admiration for Governor Ododo’s relentless drive and innovative governance. “Governor Ododo is redefining expectations with his digitally standard initiatives that keep propelling Kogi State forward,” Muhammed said.

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He maintained that the Governor’s “inclusive approach is evident in the major roads rehabilitation recently approved across both Kogi east and west senatorial districts.”

Muhammed also paid homage to Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello, the former Governor, for laying a solid foundation for this era of unprecedented growth. “Governor Bello’s vision has set a generational template that is steering Kogi State towards permanent greatness,” he added.

With a focus on youth inclusiveness in nation-building, Muhammed assured that NTYTP will actively collaborate with youth-friendly administrations across the country to sustain this momentum. “The youth of Kogi State should rally behind Governor Ododo’s visionary leadership,” he urged. “We are witnessing history in the making.”

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The NTYTP scribe noted that as Kogi State continues its journey on the path of progress, it serves as an inspiring example of what can be achieved with a good heart at the helm and a community united in its pursuit of excellence.

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