The Sequence Of How Life Molded Itself Into Existence From A Seed In Mother Nature An Idea, The Idea Of Everything That Now Is
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“You Can’t Give The Human Soul Anything Better Than Its Right Image And The Source Of Its Existence In A Straight And Unambiguous Manner, Devoid Of Precepts, Concepts, Traditions OR Dogmas.”
(PART 1)
“First, I must disabuse your minds, if you don’t mind it, from that established concept, theory or belief that man was created. No one created man; rather, it is mankind who now reproduces its kind from the particles excreted from the Soul-Force to make up the seamen injected into the worm of a mother to give birth to a child, another human being. The process of life in existence starts with Mother Nature, the IDEA of everything in existence, including LIFE. And it all OCCURRED. And thenceforth began the journey of life into existence that we see and experience today as a mystery.”
“By the way, the whole issue about life, spirits, Ghosts or a God is all in the realms of conjecture, and only the spirit of inspiration can unfold such deep mysteries to a chosen one. I am only here to add my voice to a series of voices on the surface of the earth, preachiferying the message of redemption of the soul for eternity out of the picketing and menace of Churchianity, as it is revealed to me through my inner mind by the spirit of inspiration as compensation for imbibing the Christ Consciousness. Such gifts are one amongst the numerous benefits derived thereto as a Christ Devotee which I am.”
“In all of these scenarios, we cannot but give thanks to “Jesus of Nazareth”, the only Human being in history who is known to be the bringer of a particular Consciousness to humanity known as the “Christ Consciousness” uniquely different, to enable humanity to reinvent himself back to his source of existence and live forever as long as he imbibes the concept and remains glued to its precepts by living the nature of a God that he is in essence.”
– Obi Ojage.
JESUS of Nazareth turned to these sets of hypocrites posing as heads of the synagogues of his time, just as it is today, where they’re armed with all sorts of imaginary tales of deceit, and he exclaimed, “Pointing at his accusers, look at them, they’re making many impossible laws as if they were Mose, laws which they are unable to keep: HYPOCRITES!” He said so loudly to the audience of the unsuspecting public of that time, just as it is today.
So the shenanigans, perfidy and deceit we see in our churches today did not start now, which is why most of the Disciples of Jesus died the way they did. Some were beheaded, and another, we were told, was put into a drom of hot boiling oil and left to die. The law of retributive justice spares no one…
To begin with, I must thank my numerous readers here for bearing with me, especially for denying them a portion of food for their Soul in the long-awaited part (3) of the series titled “Imbibe The Christ Consciousness Now And Live Forever In A World Without End. No One But You Can Save Your Soul”.
I promised to bring a follow-up of the series a week later but failed to fulfil my promise. I must apologise to everyone who read the last piece and to state here that I later realised the aspect of the message especially the part of it left unsaid would be better read more in detail in my Book which I intend to publish in the future concerning *”Man as a God, before him, there isn’t anyone than Mother Nature and its product hovering in ethereality namely Soul, Ghost, Spirit, Air, Light, Sun, Moon, Vegetation, the Seas and Darkness”.
By the way, the whole issue about life, spirits, Ghosts or a God is all in the realms of conjecture, and only the spirit of inspiration can unfold such deep mysteries to a chosen one.
I am only here to add my voice to a series of voices on the surface of the earth, preachiferying the message of redemption of the soul for eternity out of the picketing and menace of Churchianity, as it is revealed to me through my inner mind by the spirit of inspiration as compensation for imbibing the Consciousness. Such gifts are one amongst the numerous benefits derived thereto as a Christ Devotee which I am.
NOW, some of the terms or words used in this thesis or write-up, such as SOUL, SPIRIT, HOLY SPIRIT, and ANGEL, are regularly found in the Christian’s Holy Bible, Muslim’s Holy Koran, Buddhist Babagadavita, or other Holy Books of similar good intentions, yes! But here I use them just to express myself for better understanding because they’re familiar words to us. Otherwise, I would urge whoever is reading this text to learn something different to mind what the word aims to convey rather than where it derived its original usage, either in Greek Arabic or whatever.
I could have used something else to explain what I wanted to say to avoid the use of unsubstantiated facts common with our inspirational speakers and scholars who have turned themselves into pulpit preachers for pecuniary gains, whose only basis of acceptance of the various concepts plaguing humanity, especially the indolent lots is because it is scriptural and one made by men in the Bible who claimed to have seen Jesus of Nazareth, or heard God speak to them and as such whatever was written is sacrosanct and remains so forever with no one armed with the rights and divine inspiration further can question its opaqueness or the sustainability in the events of new realities as the do exist today.
I doubt if science were to follow such a trajectory, we would’ve experienced the level of new inventions recorded today in modern life, including technological developments. What that means is that religionists have failed to advance the “Will of God”, or put it succinctly, their God; wherever such resides, be it the imaginary heavens above, the galaxy or their minds, they’re certainly not being helped by their sources of spiritism and beliefs at all which turn to make a caricature of the Christianity they now are sanctimonious about over what they often bastardize by their extortionist propensities.
My worries are latent and have to do not just with what is said but how it is applied to the lives of those of their adherence who today also claim to be in constant touch with the almighty God where they conjure all manners of falsehood in the name of miracles which are aided by occultic or those derived from the gods in exchange for their sacrifices of human blood offered which they deceitfully claimed to be of the Lord.
However, I must remind my friends here that I am not a student of theology, a necromancer, meterphisician, a man of the gods, an agent of the Marines forces or your typical hypocritical Christian of the later-day saint to invalidate their claims in a manner plausible enough to put them asunder nor their notoriety in the Lord’s vineyard squashed.
I am just an importunate Christ Devotee often engaged in reverie to interrogate the spirit of inspiration whose intermitent presence through my imagination afford me the luxery of espying for deeper revelations.
So, let’s talk about some wisdom here based on the Spirit of inspiration, shall we?
“First, I must disabuse your minds, if you don’t, from that established concept, theory or belief that man was created. No one created man; rather, it is mankind who now reproduces its kind from the particles excreted from the Soul-Force to make up the seamen injected into the worm of a mother, to give birth to a child, another human.
The process of life in existence starts with Mother Nature, the IDEA of everything in existence, including LIFE. And it all OCCURRED. And thenceforth began the journey of life into existence that we see and experience today as a mystery.
We all know that an IDEA is something or a feeling that exists in the realms of imagination and only occurs by means defined by its nature in “Nothingness”. Idea, you could say, is LIFE or life is in IDEA, depending on how you view it.
Then we proceed to the Holy Ghost, which is the product of Mother Nature, exuded to act as the source or the origin of Humankind. Another usage of the word Holy Ghost is: “The LORD”. And it concerns itself only with human beings who are in existence on the earth as its upspring, the likenesses of which are known as the Soul, the real man.
The Holy Ghost, therefore, is that aspect of Mother Nature that deals with the human soul. As such, it is the source of Human life into existence.
And further on we now advance downwards to the level of the “Holy Spirit”, which is the replication of the Holy Ghost meant to superintend over the Human Soul in existence. And please, mark the word “Existence”.
The Holy Spirit does not deal with animals, plants or anything out of human existence but with human beings solely and cannot be manipulated or given instructions to by any human being a subject under it, as most of our so-called religious messengers and jesters want us to believe vaguely.
I wonder if these indolent gross material agents of the gods truly know the powers and nature of the Holy Spirit to make a jest often the way they do. Rather, it is the other way around?
The Holy Spirit, as I said, is a replication of the Holy Ghost, the Soul of Mother Nature, the aspect that deals with humankind as against numerous other existentialisms all exuding from Mother Nature as the Idea of everything.
Finally, we now acknowledge the existence of the ANGELS, which are a divine and direct product of the Human-Soul meant to protect their bodies as the vehicle in use to facilitate their existence on the earth or the world of Appearances if you like.
This explains why if one is in tune with his Soul-Force, the Angel or Angels, as the product of the Soul, encamps such an individual from harm or untimely death, which is merely the state and moment in which the Soul is believed to have left the body ether to proceed further through rebirth or degenerate into becoming a human ghost bounded in its grave in perpetuity as a penalty for sinfulness or the neglect of his essence as explained in the message and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
These are the real reasons JESUS was commissioned by the Lord to bring about the Christ Consciousness as a way out of the spiritual logjam if you like. And to reconcile humankind back to his original status as a Soul Force in a body as its vehicle to patrol the earth as his habitation forever as long as he remains the same. Without mankind, there wouldn’t have been anything as “earth”. The earth is the only place in existence where life bubbles, allowing its inhabitants to build their own homes, sleep, wake up, drink, dance, sing, mate, make merry, read, write, think, desire, create, learn, pray, and seek to please a God, real or imaginary. Nowhere else does that exist in that like.
In all of these scenarios, we cannot but give thanks to “Jesus of Nazareth”, the only Human being in history who is known to be the bringer of a particular Consciousness to humanity known as the “Christ Consciousness” uniquely different, to enable humanity to reinvent himself back to his source of existence and live forever as long as he imbibes the concept and remains glued to its precepts by living the nature of a God that he is in essence.
For whosoever in life wants to access the Lord God Almighty (not the gods or Deities) the source of Human beings that operates in the void as a Ghost and Holy, in whom and to whom Human beings derive their source of Human existence, such must imbibe the Christ Consciousness to achieve those aims to realise their essence and existence as human beings on earth for as long as their purpose is relevant necessitating subsequent rebirth through different worms, into an unending world of Appearances.
What Then Is Christ Consciousness, You May Wish To Ask?
THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS is simply the “exhibition upholding the virtue of Integrity, Empathy and the fear and adoration of the entire mystery involving life and the impact it has on our existence and to give thanks constantly to nature’s mercies, grace and the entire mystery surrounding life and the complex composition of the nature of man as both a soul and a body joint together to foster human existence”.
That’s all about the Christ Consciousness. That’s all of what Jesus of Nazareth preached. Any additives are man-made to benefit man in his greed with an attempt to be another JESUS.
Thanks a great deal.
“In part (2) in the series next week, the Lord willing, we shall discuss how the church of man has burgled its chances of leading its flock aright due to indolence, ignorance, materialism, unbelief and the knack for using shortcuts away from the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth, the bringer of Christ’s consciousness to humanity. These men of the gods preach the message of JESUS in parentheses while indeed they practice more of the old testament because it suits their quest to access raw POWER, jumping from number One to Ten without passing through Nine.”
My name is Obi Offiong Ojage, I am a Christ Devotee, an Intellectual, a Politician and a truth searcher.
You are free to ask questions concerning what I have said and I will be most willing to answer them with clarity and straightforward from the sources of knowledge which is “Truth”, the facts in the matter, and I will do so without making reference to any book whatsoever except that aided by the spirit of inspiration, the Lord willing.
END Time Message.
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