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Radio Biafra is Avenue for Those With Siege Mentality to Vent, Mustn’t Be Banned or Sabotaged, Says Kayode Ogundamisi

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The call for a ban on Radio Biafra is an irritating distraction for the following reasons.

  1. Biafra Radio operators are guaranteed free speech and do not operate on Nigerian airwaves, they are free to agitate for the State of Biafra so long as they do it without violence, call to violence or promote violence against persons, or promote ethnic war against others.

  2. Agitation for the State of Biafra is not a crime as individuals/groups can advocate for a right to self
    determination, what would be wrong is for them to dismember themselves from the territory of the Federal Republic of Nigeria without the consent and agreement of the other federating units.

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Biafra agitators would have to wage a war against the Federal Republic of Nigeria to do that and would have to be prepared for the consequences (Positive or Negative) of such action.

  1. Banning Radio Biafra would just be playing into the agenda of the operators who are making a kill financially from those who buy into whatever agenda they promote, a ban will increase the funding and drive sympathy to the platform.

  2. Radio Biafra and other voices should be encouraged to speak openly rather than drive agitators underground.

  3. MASSOB (Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra ) is a good example of how lame the power base of Biafra agitators are,
    like most other pretentious platforms, Radio Biafra will end up like MASSOB and should be left to be.

  4. Best way to counter the narrative of those who operate Radio Biafra is to treat ALL Nigerians equally irrespective of region, religion, tribe, sex or political affiliation, if that is done, platforms such as Radio Biafra would remain an avenue for those with a siege mentality to vent and let the steam out and they must be allowed to let it out in a peaceful way.

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(Culled from OsunDefender)

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