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2016: A New Terror Group To Emerge, Civil Disorder Looms Over Economy – Bishop Ajose

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***Declares, Moves to Impeach Buhari Will Be Hatched

Bishop AjoseBishop Theophilus Taiwo Ajose (PhD) in his 2016 prophetic declarations said that three major events are going to happen in Nigeria which shall take the world by surprise, saying “there shall be civil disorder concerning the economy in Nigeria in the first half of 2016”, even as “a new rebel group shall emerge in Nigeria in 2016 working in alignment with some wicked nations of the world.”

He, however, declared that Nigeria as a nation “has just entered into a new phase of destiny ordained before the foundation of the world.”

He also declared that “there shall be an impeachment move against the president of Nigeria in the second half of the year but he would survive it.”

According to him, “the new rebel group will be more lethal in its operation and more technological in its approach.

“It is also going to release some economic incentives and recruit ethnic and religious groups to its side, it’s going to be backed by some leaders of some nations in the world but Nigeria is a national after My heart. Nigeria is a nation I have ordained to be a voice in the end time plan.

“This rebel group will put fears in the hearts and minds of the political leaders to make them to succumb but the leaders of the Nigeria nation must tread the path of righteousness holiness and speak out against evil or else, their voices shall be drowned by the voices of the wicked ones”, he said.

Here is the full prediction, prophecies and counsel, for individuals, Nigeria, Africa and the world:

As I completed my annual 40 days of fasting and prayers, which entered its 11th year this year, the Lord, as usual, revealed that which shall come to pass in 2016 in Nigeria as the country entered its next phase of prophetic manifestation as written in the volume of divine book; and the world in general.

2016 is a year of the Holy Spirit laden with “uncommon, unprecedented and unfathomable movement and acts of My Spirit that will confound the whole world.”

In 2016, for the first time, the powers that be at the helm of affairs in the world will openly confess their helplessness as to the events and situations unfolding in the world.

The Lordship of Jesus Christ shall be rising very very high despite the efforts by the unbelieving world to lord it over humanity through violence, wars and installation of satanic prophets at the helm of affairs in government but, I want you to know that I rule among the nations and of My government there shall be no end.

“I AM removing from the seats of government the personalities at the helm of affairs in nations who have constituted themselves as gods to those nations, for I have to let them know that I AM God and it is My purpose that shall be established and fulfilled.”

The wind of change blowing across the nations of the world is being misinterpreted by the few elites and political powers that believe that My change has to do with their own purpose, minds and thoughts but I tell you, this is the change of My Spirit and they will know and be confounded and see the uselessness of their own actions against me.

From Asia to America, to Africa and the Middle East, there shall be unprecedented move and wave of My Spirit blowing the required change for humanity.

In 2016, there shall be realignment of political powers, there shall be realignment of nations across geographical boundaries and this will pave way for new allies and alignment that will be in opposition to each other. But, I tell you, like I did in the Tower of Babel, I AM going to confuse the camp of the enemies and disorganize the languages they speak so as to let them know that I have a single purpose for the whole world even though they speak different languages and are of different races, they are all derived from My Son. Through Him, I AM redeeming the world and reconciling the world back to Myself.

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There’s going to be a major sign in the sky in 2016, a very strange sign that the scientists will find very, very strange. This speaks of the glory of the Lord and His authority over the nations of the world.

This sign shall also bring to the world, a change in the atmosphere and a change in the constituents of the atmosphere which will overlay the whole world with hitherto unknown chemical elements.

2016 “ushers in a sign in the heavenlies that even the scientists, the astrologers and all your wise men shall find difficult to explain.”

There shall be a sign in the Sun, all pointing to the reality of the rising of God’s kingdom and to the fact that the nations of the world are under the close watch of the Almighty.

Pray should be made fervent against fire outbreaks in Nigeria



The nation of Israel shall go to war in 2016, the war shall be short-lived by put the message shall be very clear.

The nation of USA should pray fervently against external aggression.

The family of the president of USA, Barrack Obama should pray against bereavement in 2016.

There shall be uncommon surprises in the 2016 election in the USA. Political projections shall fail and there shall be disorder during the election process in the USA but the will of God shall prevail for the Lord has anointed His chosen one.

Two nations in Europe and two nations in the Americas shall experience foreign attack by insurgent personalities.

There shall be a confrontation between Israel and USA in 2016 that shall reach a high diplomatic level.

China shall engage in external war in 2016. This shall pose a threat to the peace of the world.

There’s going to be a great recession in Europe again in 2016.

Iran shall also be in the news against as it shall engage in war with two nations.

The German Chancellor should pray fervently and seek the face of God for there shall be an attempted attack on her life and her health.



There shall be change of leadership in the government of two African nations but not through the ballot or electoral process, in 2016.

There shall be civil disorder concerning the economy in Nigeria in the first half of 2016



I AM releasing fresh mantles of old upon My servants and ministers that will make them to function more with power by My Spirit in the Body of Christ for a small one shall become a nation and little one a strong nation, I the Lord will hasten it in its time.

This is the time that the voice of the small one shall be heard abroad and shall drown the noise of those who are nothing before Me but who made themselves to be people of importance.

Two great men of God shall be enmeshed in scandals in 2016.

Prayers should be made for the Pope of the Catholic Church, for his life and against ill health that may threaten his reign.

The Body of Christ should pray fervently against decimation, persecution and unholy and concocted arrest of religious figures.

The Body of Christ coming under close watch in 2016. The Body of Christ in Nigeria should be prepared and ready for persecution in 2016.

The Body of Christ in Nigeria should return to the Lord, it should return to their Creator. The Body of Christ in Nigeria should proclaim and preach the Word of the Lord, and preach Christ Himself if it must surmount and overcome the challenges ahead of her.

God is doing a new thing in the Body of Christ in Nigeria.

Despite all these, more souls shall be won to the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ than ever before for 2016 is a year of the Holy Spirit and the wind, even the whirlwind of the Holy Spirit shall continue to blow fervently across the minds and hearts of people.

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The Nigeria nation has just entered into a new phase of destiny ordained before the foundation of the world.

Three major events are going to happen in Nigeria which shall take the world by surprise.



A new rebel group shall emerge in Nigeria in 2016 working in alignment with some wicked nations of the world who are bent on decimating the Nigeria nation and who have made up their minds to plunder her resources.

The new rebel group will be more lethal in its operation and more technological in its approach.

It is also going to release some economic incentives and recruit ethnic and religious groups to its side, it’s going to be backed by some leaders of some nations in the world but Nigeria is a national after My heart. Nigeria is a nation I have ordained to be a voice in the end time plan.

This rebel group will put fears in the hearts and minds of the political leaders to make them to succumb but the leaders of the Nigeria nation must tread the path of righteousness holiness and speak out against evil or else, their voices shall be drowned by the voices of the wicked ones.



The enemy has planned to cause chaos in the first and third quarter of 2016 but I have sent My angels, the warriors angels who will go about to douse the noise of war and to secure the territorial integrity of the Nigeria nation, a nation after My heart.

The leadership of the Nigeria nation should be very careful of unholy alliances, economic and political incentives that the enemy has planned to bring down and weaken and the resolve of the people and the power of the government.



There’s going to be so much turmoil and noise in the political terrain of the Nigeria nation in 2016. From the month of February through the month of June, there’s going to be incitement of the people against the government by some who refused to change their ways and who refused to see the future of the Nigeria nation.

The Government of the Nigeria nation needs My wisdom to handle situations that will happen in the political terrain in 2016, the wisdom of God from above!

The political class is going to be in turmoil and disarray in 2016 in the Nigeria nation.

There’s going to be so much confusion in the political terrain that the government and leadership of the Nigeria nation needs divine wisdom to handle the situation.

There shall be many arrests of political figures in 2016 in the Nigeria nation.

A former head of government in Nigeria shall go home in 2016.

A traditional ruler shall go home in 2016.

A New Political Party

A new political party shall be formed in 2016 that claims to balance the political arena, that seems to be a centrist political party.

Nigeria politicians should pray fervently.



The family of ex-president Goodluck Jonathan should pray against bereavement in 2016. Only fervent prayer can avoid this!


All Progressive Congress (APC)

The ruling party should pray against disorder among its rank and file. There shall arise in 2016, in the first half of the year, a faction of the ruling party of the Nigeria government.



Despite the economic downturn, the fall of the price of crude oil and a reduction in Nigeria’s external reserve, there shall be more money coming to Nigeria and Nigerians in 2016 than in the last ten years!

Some banks shall lose their operating licenses in Nigeria in 2016



There’s going to be an outbreak of a strange medical condition in the world, especially in Nigeria and major parts of West Africa.

There shall be a medical breakthrough, in the prevention and cure of diabetes and blindness in 2016

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A breakthrough for in the cure of cancer shall be made in 2016 A Nigerian shall be honored in the field of Medical Science, Technology and Economics.




There shall be an impeachment move against the president of Nigeria in the second half of the year but he would survive it.

The president of Nigeria should pray fervently against ill health.

He should learn to rest and relax a lot.

He should be very careful about the medication he’s offered. He should have every medication looked at very well for some medication may not agree with His body systems.

He’s still a tool in the hand of the Almighty God.




The Nigerian Vice President should pray for personal peace and should pray against evil monitoring spirits that are really planning against his life and peace.

He should be very careful of where and what he drinks.

He should watch over his health carefully. Psalms 18 and 91 are your swords of warfare in 2016.

There are also attempts to embarrass him through the words of his mouth. He should be very careful of what he says to the hearing of people but, one thing is sure, the Lord of hosts is still with him.


There’s going to be early rain in the whole world in 2016.

Agriculture receives a major boost.



Two sit-tight heads of state in Africa shall go home in 2016.

There’s going to be a military take over of government in three African nations.

The countries of Ghana, Senegal and Gambia should pray and be on alert against activities that may shake their economies.



2016 is a year fruitfulness. There shall be more children born in the world in 2016 than in the last ten years, children of great destinies infused with uncommon divine abilities, insight and wisdom. Children that will reign and rule in their generation to bring about divine order.

2016 is also a year of reward as many people who are working sincerely and faithfully in all areas of their lives shall increase and abound in more and blessings profits.



The governor of Lagos State, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, should pray fervently for divine wisdom and pray against satanic manipulation of his government.

He should pray against bereavement and medical condition.

The governor should, as a matter of urgency, operate and rearrange the security around him and his family for the enemy has planned to infiltrate his security network but the angels of God have been stationed around him.

He should activate the angelic ministry by meditating prayerfully on Psalm 103 verse 20 and Psalm 91 regularly for the Lord is going to use him to bring about a major change in Lagos State that will bring peace, prosperity and joy to the people.

In the second half of the year, the pagan powers in Lagos State shall approach him to enter into a covenant and actions that will later used to frustrate his government but the Lord says “do not succumb to any pressure, the Lord is with you.” He should resist this evil arrangement between all means.

He should pray for personal peace and against disloyal friends.

He should guard his mouth in 2016 as plans have been made to use the words of his mouth to trap him.

The governor of Lagos State, should as a matter of urgency have standing Intercessors, to stand in the gap for him and his families for 2016 posses a lot of challenges both from friends and from foes!


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