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By Ikenna Onuoha
As the outbreak of corona virus otherwise called covid-19 is busy throwing nations into economic downturn, politicians are relying on the global pandemic to strategize their political gimmicks in view of the next election.
This, no doubt has become worrisome that prior to any political business year, individuals are let loose to masquerade under the guise of a foundation to perpetrate their heinous political rituals as a game plan to curry favour from the most gullible citizens in the society.
Following the eruption of the ravaging global scourge in Imo State in particular and Nigeria at large, different palliatives and empowerments are littering the whole streets, the primary motive of majority of those distributing the relief materials hinge on deceit, ritualistic and politically motivated.
Information available revealed that one of the distributors of the palliatives in a council within the enclave of the state capital had told beneficiaries of his relief materials to remember him in less than three years when he would call upon them for their votes.
This person according to records available resurfaced having abandoned those that labored for him during the 2015 election in the state after one of his supporters was said to have died mysteriously at the heat of the electioneering campaigns.
His intention is not only lace with selfishness, unproductiveness and emptiness, but shows that he is undertaking the task to gather people’s supports during an exercise that is miles away from now.
It is quite painful that the extent to which such jamboree has gone calls for urgent attention. The people should be weary of the speed in which politicians mortgage the future of the children through frivolous relief aids that are not sustainable.
Glaringly enough, not all these elements claiming to be empowering the youths, women and the less privileged understand what empowerment means.
According to Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, “empowerment is the granting of political, social or economic power to an individual or group”. In other words, it is the process of supporting another person or persons to discover their DESTINIES and as well, claim personal power over the vicissitudes of life.
The question now remains if the kind of relief items or empowerment being dished out to the public by the so-called political leaders is enough to sustain the future of these helpless and rough handled innocent people in the society?
The crux of the matter is that people carrying out the hocus-pocus assignments forget that the idea behind the sudden charity brouhaha should have concurred with the proverbial saying that when “the moon shines, the cripple becomes hungry for a walk”,
Regrettably, the influx of crime rate in the society today despite the numerous jamboree empowerment exercises in and around us has risen beyond expected proportion owing to the fact that the whole motive is hinged on self aggrandizement, deceit and charade.
As a realist and social critic, this primitive way of showing cause can be described as nothing but the worse technique to raise, nurture and build future entrepreneurs. I stand to be challenged.
The worse mistake the unfortunate leaders have made, and are still making is using the youths for a ride in the name of empowering them with motorcycles.
Many a time, some of these youths are involved in fatal accident and on the process, lose their lives. At this juncture, one will understand that the deceased would have been used for ritual in view of next elections.
Desperation is a thing of the mind where politicians give in anticipation for future election, but none understand that desperation can metamorphose into a thing of the mind where one empowers another without expecting reward in return.
Just like the African proverb, “when the laborer is praised, his cutlass begins to cut more keenly”. We are yet to see a leader who will neither expect praises nor cheers from the people whenever he/she provides succor to the downtrodden in the society.
It is worthy of note that the society is expecting a leader who can tactically change the mantra of greed and rancour in the society especially, within the ambit of political folds whose philanthropic works shall go beyond political affiliations.
Obviously, holding leadership position does not make someone a good leader but a dedicated servant leader understands the many different factors that come with leading others, and strives to help them reach their goals; nurture them until they develop themselves, and act as visionaries for their aspirations.
Persuasively, we shall be happy to have a leader who will be eager to develop things for himself such as leadership attributes that qualify him to be upright to work with in any capacity he finds himself without expecting praise singing from anyone.
A leader that has carved a niche for himself and remains honest, committed, inspirational, creative, meticulous, sagacious and humble.
A leader that will surmount the shackles and rankles of political gimmicks and appears untouchable to the chagrins of his detractors.
Recall that the foundation of any trust, both personal and professional is integrity; the society is waiting for the leader who will use his unwavering devotion and candor to secure a place in the heart of God, and the entire citizens of the state without blowing trumpet to be noticed.
Indeed, we shall be fulfilled to welcome philanthropist of repute, father of the fatherless, epitome of manhood and fatherhood who will use his natural characteristics to empower the people reasonably without expecting to be voted into power ten years after his show of goodwill.
However, in getting this type of a leader, no doubt, there will be good times, stressful times, and terrible times, but the great leader will always be able to lead the society to success, regardless of the situation of corona virus pandemic brewing like wide fire has taken the system into.
Ikenna ONUOHA is a Journalist and Public Relations Consultant. He is the State Publicity Secretary, Imo Concerned Citizens (ICC) and wrote via 08038129192
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