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Bishop Matthew Kukah of Sokoto Diocese
Headlines Opinion Politics Religion

I Have Got Tears In My Eyes Regarding…

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  • That Senseless, Silly And Savage Call For The Arrest of Rev. Kukah For Saying The TRUTH.
  • That demonic Lie Told By Prof Ishaq Akintola’s MURIC With Intention To Cause Religious Conflict.


I know that Rev. Matthew Hassan Kukah is an AREWA born clergy, and having read that his now very popular Christmas Day Homily, I wonder why those he spoke in defense of, those he cried for their safety and protection, those he criticized an underperforming Government for their good would be calling for his arrest. What is wrong with Nigeria?

Who are the senseless, silly, satanic and savage Youths who cannot decipher, who cannot discern and who cannot for religious prejudice differentiate between an Enemy and a Friend? Who are the misguided Youths who cannot choose Truth over Falsehood?

And who are those siding with a Government that has failed to protect the people, over a man who has spoken truth to Power? I’m truly heartbroken, but however encouraged by that Tweet from Senator Shehu Sani who asked the Arewa Youths to ‘leave the Kukah in Sokoto and fight the insecurity in their shokoto’.

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The Nigerian Youth must come off the blindfold of religion and challenge leadership to responsible and responsive action. We must boldly call out this underperforming government the way we did the past, and we must place the buck at the table of leadership, such is the call of True Religion.

True Religion does not defend the Christian Thief or the Muslim Thief, and it does not side with the Muslim Failure or the Christian Failure. If we must make Nigeria great, we must push religion back to our private and personal precincts, because religion has done Nigeria more organic damage than good.

I disagree with and lampoon the Arewa Youths on Kukah, same way I repudiate the Christian defense of him as their own… KUKAH is our own, he is a Nigerian Hero and a Votary of Truth. To the Government that has sought so badly to give his Christmas Day Message a seditious slant, una well don, but una go fail well well, and take note, if you do not change your mendacious ways, your arrogance shall usher in a catastrophic end.

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To an obstinate and obdurate government that sees the Truth and the purveyors of wise counsel as enemies, a look at my 11/11/2020 Piece… AS THE STORM GATHERS: FOUR THINGS THAT WILL HAPPEN IF THIS ARROGANCE DOES NOT CEASE..will be apposite and by Jove teach some wisdom…

On That Press Conference/Statement by MURIC that was meant to incite Muslims against the Truth presented on Christmas Day by the Arewa Born Clergy Matthew Hassan Kukah, please can someone tell my Egbon Prof Ishaq Akintola that Islam and the Holy Quran frowns at Lies and Falsehood.

Tell him that not a single sentence or paragraph of Rev. Kukah’s Christmas Day Homily refers to Islam as a Violent religion. Tell Ishaq Akintola to stop fanning the embers of religious conflict. And tell him that all true Muslims know that Christians and Muslims are brothers. See The Holy Quran Sura 2:62.

The defense of ones religion does not and should not include perfidy and mendacity, for pristine religion is against falsehood, against deceit, against mendacity and against perfidy, on this note Prof Ishaq Akintola should apologise to Nigerians, Muslims and Christians alike for that demonic falsehood intended to incite. And he should pray to Almighty Allah for forgiveness.

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Finally Compatriots, I must return to that position that I have repeatedly canvassed, please let all the tiers of Government in Nigeria, Federal, State and Local, let all Agencies of Government, and all Politico-Social forums forthwith cease to say the Christian and Muslim Prayers in Public functions, the Second Stanza of our National Anthem is our National Prayer.

And let’s stop using religion with the demonic intent to divide and destroy. For we cannot claim to love God, when we do not love the people we see everyday. STOP THE HYPOCRISY.

God Bless Nigeria.

Chukwudumebi Nkemcho Nwaokobia CNN.
Formerly Known As Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia JNR is the Convener COUNTRYFIRST MOVEMENT.

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