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“Your Vote Is Your Power, Use It Wisely; Do Not Blame Your God If You Allow Yourself To Be Deceived.”
Partisanship may destroy our politics and beloved country Nigeria if the associations are not founded on equity, truth, fairness, and justice for all, regardless of where one comes from, their tribe, or creed.
Therefore children, do not be weary of the crowd in any of the political rallies, nor be deterred by such shows of bravado. Nigerians know who to vote for in the coming election. And who the Lord Almighty has ordained is who will win.
General Muhammadu Buhari, then a CPC candidate, won his opponents in the presidential elections twice in this country because of the crowd of followers he had behind him who saw him as their Massiah and not one imposed on them.
They knew his pedigree as a selfless, incorruptible and firm and upright human being.
Even when he had no state Governors, nor other candidates on the ballots who were members of his party spread across the country like his opponents in the PDP, the crowd still had faith in him as one to be their President even when they knew of the powers of incumbency and the determination of the opponent to resist.
But because Nigerians needed change they insist on voting for him as one ordained. Through various manipulation by the power that is then, he lost the election.
He went to the court upset hoping to get justice, but the courts on a split decision repudiated him for the legitimate votes that were stolen from him through manipulation of results by the ruling party then.
That was effortlessly done because the crowd of his followers then were just from one section of the country, the majority of who were almost nonentity in terms of reckoning and capacity to stretch the matter further than it went.
It is not so today and won’t be. Times have changed, and there are bound to be fundamental.
The electoral system is different so are the mindsets of the society as well as their determination to see a change through their votes which is their power, especially those who are yearning for change, make no mistakes on that.
Nigeria and Nigerians are tired of recycled old cargoes at the helm of affairs, and the head of leadership who are used to doing things the same old ways of mindless stealing of resources that are meant to go around but residing in the hands of a few who are enemies of the people.
All the euphoria you see on the horizon is the effect of the doings of those in government. At the right time the music would change, I believe, and the gods would take the lead. The suffering is too much. Make no mistakes on that.
Be sincere to yourself. There are too many lies and treachery amongst those at the helm of affairs. Be on the side of truth.
Those on the side of truth know that the Lord shall give them victory at last no matter the forces involved. We shall win. Nigeria has come of age. We are confident of the victory of truth over evil.
End Time Message!
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