Just Think About It: What Do These People Who Embrace Falsehood Or Support Evil Really Own, Worth Mortgaging The Soul For?
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I have been briefly to Europe, Asia and America. People in these places are rich either through hardwork, their display of certain exceptional endowment Or by inheritance.
And not by stealing government money in huge quantities entrusted on one for development purposes or for the payment of the emoluments of others who have worked for such entitlements only to be frittered away by one man or those entrusted with that responsibility, simply because of his or her position in government. All because of corruption in the system and the envolvement of secret society in the affairs of government where people are heartless and greedy.
People are into politics or seek political offices not necessarily to serve but to embezzle and get heavily enriched all of a sudden over monies meant to go round others for services rendered or strictly meant to improve the general well-being of the people in that jurisdiction.
However, I thought I should let you see this thought below been scripted by a clever someone about his idea of what tomorrow holds. And to count yourself lucky to be able to be here and to be who, where and what you are today, for tomorrow is pregnant wth uncertainties.
My best advice in this case scenario, if I were you, is to be sincere and uphold truth fear not where your next meal may come. Those who compromise themselves in support of falsehood to entrench evil are no better.
Those of us who have stood against falsehood are living steadily, internally happy; fulfilled and making impacts in our thought-projections, highly inspired, to the admiration of a lot of those people who do not bear false witness.
And that is where people like us get our fulfilment moreorless.
You can’t be hardworking and lack food and shelter except in an evil society. But what is evil and what powers does it have that can withstand the power embaded in truth. Truth means the bare facts of the matter that cannot be faulted. If you’re resolute, patience and do not doubt your resolve, you’ll be the better for it.
While those who often manipulate their ways through are always in wants which is why they’re seen gambling and compromising every stand they take mosly for insignificant things which are felt only by those closed to them and no-one else, as a lot of people are engaged into other concerns not paying attention on what they have acquired through fraudulent means.
Endeavour to fear the Lord, the unseen power that superintends over the affairs of men and your conscience shall be awaken to reality in assisting you to do and supporting the right things without qualms and leave the rest to time.
You’ll see the difference, I tell you.
And do not say: “It doesn’t matter”, no, it does!
Thanks a great deal, men!
End Time Message!
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