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General Ike Nwachukwu (rtd)
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Save Enugu Group Welcomes General Ike Nwachukwu as UNN Pro-Chancellor, Calls Attention to Immediate Needs of the Institution

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The Save Enugu Group (SEG), a dynamic nongovernmental organization (NGO) and socio-political pressure group committed to promoting excellence in education and governance, has extended a warm welcome to General Ike Nwachukwu (retd.) upon his appointment as the Pro-Chancellor of the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN).

The SEG’s statement, signed by Secretary General Comrade James Ezema, highlights General Nwachukwu’s wealth of experience and unwavering dedication, positioning him to lead UNN toward a brighter future.

General Nwachukwu: A Distinguished Military Career

The group said that “General Nwachukwu’s distinguished military career speaks volumes. His leadership during critical moments in Nigeria’s history demonstrates resilience, strategic thinking, and an unwavering commitment to service. As the new Pro-Chancellor, he brings a wealth of experience in leadership and discipline, essential for repositioning UNN to its former glory.”

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Correcting Past Wrongs

The SEG emphasized the need for General Nwachukwu to critically examine the past administration’s actions. UNN recently witnessed what the SEG terms “the worst administration in recent times,” culminating in the controversial selection process that led to the current Acting Vice-Chancellor. The SEG urges the Pro-Chancellor to correct these wrongs, ensuring the university returns to the dreams of its founding fathers.

Disputed Selection Process

The SEG called on General Nwachukwu to address the disputed selection process that produced the current acting Vice-Chancellor. Should the outcome stand, the SEG vowed to formally petition President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, saying that transparency and fairness are paramount in restoring UNN’s reputation.

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Infrastructure and Facilities Decay

Calling attention to other needs of the university, the Save Enugu Group observed that UNN is facing pressing challenges, including infrastructure and facilities decay, adding that outdated facilities, inadequate infrastructure, and a neglected environment mar the institution’s image.

The group said that the immediate past Vice-Chancellor’s leadership exacerbated these issues, necessitating urgent attention.

Ensuring Safety and Engagement

General Nwachukwu, SEG said, must prioritize security and safety within the university community and its environs as asafe academic environment for students, staff, and property is non-negotiable. Additionally, the group noted that improved administrative efficiency and community engagement are essential.

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The group insisted that UNN should actively collaborate with its local community, addressing societal needs and fostering partnerships.

Environmental Degradation: A Concern

The SEG then raised alarm over allegations of environmental degradation, leading to legal disputes between UNN and its host communities, insisting that such conflicts tarnish the university’s reputation internationally and require immediate resolution.

“In summary, General Ike Nwachukwu’s appointment as UNN’s Pro-Chancellor presents an opportunity for positive change and as SEG’s call to action underscores the importance of addressing past shortcomings, revitalizing infrastructure, ensuring safety, and actively engaging with the community. General Nwachukwu’s leadership will shape UNN’s trajectory, and stakeholders eagerly await his transformative impact”, the SEG stated

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