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Chairman of the Board of Trustees (BOT) of Adada Education Foundation, Chief Chinedu Onu
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Adada Education Foundation: A Unity-Driven Initiative for Human Capacity Building – Onu

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The Chairman of the Board of Trustees (BOT) of Adada Education Foundation, Chief Chinedu Onu, has emphasized that the foundation is a non-political and non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating human capacity building in the Nsukka cultural zone. Speaking on Signature TV’s “Uncommon Conversation” program, Chief Onu stressed that the initiative is a multi-sectoral approach to end illiteracy, youth idleness, and optimize talent utilization for development.

“Adada Education Foundation is never a political organization, neither is it a profit-making organization… We have top religious leaders and illustrious sons of Nsukka as members of the board of trustees,” Chief Onu said. He added, “All political leaders in PDP, Labour Party, APC, and others support this initiative because they know what binds us together supersedes political interests.”

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The foundation aims to build courage and competitiveness in youths, utilizing institutions like the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and skill acquisition programs. Financing will come from a pool of funds contributed by “Adada Development Ambassadors,” monitored through a transparent application.

Wordshot Amaechi Ugwuele, Head of Documentation at Adada Education Foundation, emphasized that the organization transcends political affiliations, focusing on education and empowerment. “When matters come to the head, Adada is one… We aren’t talking about politics here in Adada, but education, utilizing meager resources to achieve a maximum result.”

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The foundation’s unity-driven approach has brought together religious leaders, traditional rulers, entrepreneurs, and professionals from the Nsukka cultural zone, making it a shining example of collective effort for human capacity building.

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