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Comrade Obi Ojage
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Your Soul Needs Restitution Now. Choose Who To Serve. The Answer Is In You!

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Through Popular Demand And By Way Of Refreshing Our Memories I Guess, Over One Of My Episodes On The Deep Things Of The Lord

“The awful reason why it becomes necessary that we ponder over all of these scenarios cannot be over-emphasised for our security. You should seek the face of the “Lord” your “God” that you may find it to preserve your Soul for eternity. It is very important. Don’t let anyone deceive you or mislead you to believe that all is well. It is not! You need the support of the “Lord; your God” in whatever it is you are doing now. Tomorrow is shrouded with uncertainty. Or, shall we say by the looks of things that our days are uncertain. The solution is not in church or its regular attendance. That is just a place of worship. Seek the Lord first then you can talk of worship. Otherwise, you’ll be made to worship reflections prevalent in some Church houses of what has the semblances of the “Lord” but not your “God” who is supposed to be in you, as the one to relate to within, and in your “closets” through prayers, meditation, supplications and thanksgiving.”

“BUT in relating to this aspect of your human engagement, you have to be circumspect and be conscious of what you do to avoid being misled by Crooks, Randy Jesters, Seekers of materialism and Spiritual Ignoramus, the so-called men of the gods whom, I am going to assure you in the course of my exposé that they’re not of the “Lord” who is supposed to be your God! Except of course if you want to worship the “gods or Deities”. Then my essay or thinking with you here will not be necessary. I hope you’re with me on this. Shall we?”

“THIS secret practice which is meant purely to carry out evil and to afflict those who show indifference to their submissions is not from the gods but from Satan, the insinuating force behind the Demons. So as you can see the worship of Deities who in their anthropomorphized nature have all the potentials and trappings of the true God who is the “LORD” that operates in the void, and not Satanic per se. Indeed the “Lord; God almighty”, whom we call “Jehovah” in the holy scriptures described these characters as gods variously because they are both helpers of those who seek their help from the earth and at the same time relate as gods in their natural nature as souls that have once existed on eath, and as any human would. They’re principalities and powers only because of their invisibility. Rulers of heavenly kingdoms because they do exist in ethereality.”

“AND mark you, it is only here on planet Earth that you find enjoyment of all sorts be it dancing, mating for enjoyment and procreation’s sake. And eating and resting or reading of the scriptures or other literature to acquire knowledge. Nowhere else does that exist. That’s why some of these Spirit beings try to come to earth. And they do achieve that through the collaboration of some dubious and mischievous human beings who have acquired Satanic powers to link up with these beings otherwise, they’re bound to be where they are originally while we’re here as kings and queens over the earth which has no end for those who embibe the Christ consciousness.”

“DEITIES of whatever ethereality are forces that possess and exude powers from the almighty just the same source from where humans are obliged to draw theirs. The difference between human beings and these invincible gods is very thin. It is just that on their part, they’re more conscious, directional and purposeful in their focus with less material distraction as opposed to human beings who are saddled with all kinds of engagements which are effervescent and largely material here on the physical earth.”
– Obi Ojage.

“RUN fast from the Church of Man. Belong to the Church of the Lord Almighty, the one your soul sort to adore and to offer worship of various kinds as you’re being led”.

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IT has been a long time I guess since we shared our thoughts here on our essence. However, I was engaged in addressing some political issues as it concerned the welfare of our people, now I am back to throw some light on our humanity. I come in peace with no biases attached theretofore.

AND I pray those of my brethren who read my articles on issues mostly those concerning “Man” as a being that occurred on the earth to live, cherish and dominate it forever, the “Lord as the Holy Ghost, a product of Mother Nature” meant to superintend over the soul of humans on the earth, “Nature itself” that exudes life into existence everywhere, and lastly the “Devil” which is meant to enhance darkness to bring light in life into view and through it into existence, all over the human world should understand and hear me out in the name of the “Lord; our God” who operates in the void as a Ghost and Holy.

IN it as light and truth, as the facts in the matter and from where our soul draws its existence and resemblances. And over donkey years no human has ever seen it nor spoken to it ever! But it is said to be living in you, as “you”. And in you, it has its “being as your soul” for which you’re a replication thereto both as a Human being and as a God!

WE are Gods. Our thoughts and not those of other gods either in the air, graves, “Satan” and the “demons” are what makes the world what it is. And not the other way around. If we all nurse good thoughts about our fellow man, and country, and towards the leadership with maximum efforts in support of good ideas profoundly, rather than the argument roundabout ethnicity, religion, creed and worldly positions and possessions, things will change drastically for the better in respective of who is there as the head of affairs or which political party is in control or whatever ideology obtains. But we don’t. No, we don’t!

RATHER we allow ourselves to be filled up with influences alien to us and from worlds that are different from ours here on Mother Earth and with antics which are far beyond our control. All of these influences that we sort variously from different sources beyond eath, through occultic and other means and methods are what characteristically turn our minds to that of a beast where we no longer express our good feelings for one another nor exude our consciences towards the display of empathy in our affairs with our fellow beings. Instead, we’re filled up with bitterness, rivalry, vendetta, hate, insatiability and covetousness over perishable things that add nothing to enhance our human nature as the God that we are other than being a liability.

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WE’RE not only greedy, segregating, lack empathy, unsympathetic and exhibit an ungodly attitude, but we look at everybody with suspicion hoping it shouldn’t be them but us. These attitudes are on display variously in our Mosques and synagogues all over. Our Churches have not helped matters either, rather are breeding grounds for indifferences to thrive.

THIS is why there is the awful need to scrutinize these Holy assemblages especially the Church as an institution to mould morals especially as it concerns the attitude of Church leaders towards members’ welfare or take another look at its functions and essence if we should chart a new course that seeks after righteous living under the power of goodness and mercy, being the real purpose for why Jesus was born to bring the Christ consciousness to all humanity away from avoidable vicissitudes or calamities which are the result of the mess coursed by human devils.

MY advice at this point therefore as a Christ Devotee is very simple, apt and direct for those of us who care to be reminded often that “it is given upon man to live thenceforth and ceases to exist further by way of transition after exhausting all of what they have for this time on earth, wherever they are in existence in this present lifetime, and are bound to proceed further to another location still here on earth through the process of dying and reincarnating into another life circle by the power of nature through birth; wherever their Soul so chooses.

AND what determines all of that especially where one is to go from here after exhausting what they had to offer to enrich life in existence are all anchored in their deeds either good or evil. Therefore that automatically becomes their judgement. That is to say, where you’ll be after death is determined by this phenomenon. So brace yourselves to face that inevitable circumstance that must come, whenever that is.

THE awful reason why it becomes necessary that we ponder over all of these scenarios cannot be over-emphasised for our security. You should seek the face of the “Lord” your “God” that you may find it to preserve your Soul for eternity. It is very important. Don’t let anyone deceive you or mislead you to believe that all is well. It is not! You need the support of the “Lord; your God” in whatever it is you are doing now. Tomorrow is shrouded with uncertainty. Or, shall we say by the looks of things that our days are uncertain.

THE solution is not in church or its regular attendance. That is just a place of worship. Seek the Lord first then you can talk of worship. Otherwise, you’ll be made to worship reflections prevalent in some Church houses of what has the semblances of the “Lord” but not your “God” who is supposed to be in you, as the one to relate to within, and in your “closets” through prayers, meditation, supplications and thanksgiving.

YOUR God is within you as an “inner spirit” Holy as it were, in partnership with your “Soul”, the real “You”, and therefore should be sorted from within you and by you and not from without nor through the instrumentality of, or some physical gymnastics and regimented rituals where you’re compelled to get involved designed by some smart human beings accompanied with various “dogmas” in the traditional church settings.

MARK you, I didn’t say churchgoing is wrong. Not at all. “Iron sharpeneth iron they say!” Can you hear that slogan? It’s a veritable dictum worthy of adherence for those who embrace church-going as the way to access the Lord their God!

CHURCH, according to my definition not from the Bible or Dictionary, supposedly, I may be wrong here, “is a place (could be a building) considered to be where those with one mind congregates in fellowship with a denominational quest to which they’re bonded and from which expectantly; members are engaged in singing and chanting praises to an unseen power (A God) believed to be compassionate in disposition to reward those who seek it (God) diligently in a devotional manner.

BUT in relating to this aspect of your human engagement, you have to be circumspect and be conscious of what you do to avoid being misled by Crooks, Randy Jesters, Seekers of materialism and Spiritual Ignoramus, the so-called men of the gods whom, I am going to assure you in the course of my exposé that they’re not of the “Lord” who is supposed to be your God! Except of course if you want to worship the “gods or Deities”. Then my essay or thinking with you here will not be necessary. I hope you’re with me on this. Shall we?

CHURCH in my mind, will be more effective and useful to you when you’re propelled internally through the driving forces of the spirit in you to indulge in the act of worship being an aspect of devotion. These in no doubt are part of the services to be rendered to the “Lord your God”. But you must do so intelligently being conscious of what it is you’re doing in order not to mortgage your Soul or be deceived into worshipping another God other than the one your mind longs for or that which your spirit person sorts after from within!

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YOU must first locate the Lord your God intrinsically and be rammed in its beck and call before your service of devotion offered to it through the act of praise and worship would become meaningful, useful and realistic otherwise you’ll be saying prayers and singing praises to the Devil or the Alter gods.

NOW, the description or the term “Altar gods” suggestively points to the fact that there is a “secret power” that supports and influences the spiritual activities in that church where there exists an altar. And such power supposedly is situated in the “alter” of the church. God almighty doesn’t live in alters. Therefore that’s something new that we have to deal with. Let nobody deceive you.

THE Lord your God does not live in alters, the Lord lives in you. Whether the pastor argues that or not the truth must be told. And somebody must be inspired by the “Lord” to say it one day and in the plainest of language with some relevant suggestions to make in the manner I am trying to do now.!

THE question you may wish to ask is why do most churches and indeed members of our churches of later days saints especially the privately owned ones, are openly encouraged by their head of the church (Pastors, Rev., Apostles, General overseer and Co.) to take solace or find residuum at alters whenever they’re experiencing some form of trouble or need “God’s” consents if they’re no powers in there?

SURELY It is because some powers are domicile in those alters of our different churches that warrant “alter calls” and other demands where members are called to the alters. I will explain that in a subsequent version of this essay which is meant as my contributions to help you, if you like, to locate the “Lord; your God” before going to church or wherever it is you choose to praise and worship the “Lord; your God”, when and where.

I wish to say here for the avoidance of doubts in the minds of my friends on “Social Media” who are seekers of truth and to allay the fears and misconceptions of people concerning those who are believed to be adherences of the “gods” either of the “marine” or that of other “Deities” or sources of power in existence celestially or the cherubim, that these are verifiable truths if one looks deeply or is inspired of the Lord.

THAT there is a marked difference almost like a chasm existing between the gods, which are believed to be forces operating behind the powers domicile in those church alters as it were and “Satan as an evil force” who is generally called “Lucifer the Angel of Light” who’s believed to have taken the form of a mysterious composite being who plays the role of an “evil spirit” otherwise known as “Demon”. And has become the source of all demons according to the Christian Bible.

THEREFORE the fact that a person worships the “gods” either that which emanates or have their roots in the marine (Marine gods etc.) which are predominantly observed in our churches today or other deities with celestial bodies does not necessarily mean that such person is of “Satan” or worships Satan as a force. Not at all. “Satan is daemonic” and the source of demonic activities. Is an evil spirit that conscript, torments, afflicts and mislead people into committing sins against themselves, the earthly authorities and the “Lord, God Almighty”. But the gods are not.

THE “gods” are principalities. They exist as gods and desire worship as well from ignorant humans who, unknown to them are themselves gods in all rights and could do exceedingly great things through the Spirit of inspiration just as their counterparts in ethereality who exude powers they blindly sort and even more if they evolve by imbibing the Christ consciousness, other than to seek the help of the gods whereas they’re themselves (gods) limited in scope and deeds comparatively.

HOWEVER, they’re men of the gods, the so-called Men of God today who though derive their powers from Deities as explained earlier still resort to “Satan being a force” to acquire satanic powers to enable them to have the ability to relate with Demons or be in control of them and other powers attached as incentives by Satan as a force which they also acquire from which they easily deploy to perform evil acts at will.

ONE such act commonly practised in our churches all over today is called “Sorcery”. It is another form of “Witchcraft or evil activities” but practised highly in secrecy by those who do and it is part of what obtains in the world of darkness as one of the incentives by demons carried out by our so-called men of god as a secret practice to enhance their abilities in various forms. The knowledge superbly is the handiwork of Lucifer as a fake luminance far away from that which exudes from Mother Nature as expressed by the Lord in the void as a Ghost. The right prescription on how to live is given down to humankind as explained or displayed by Jesus in all of his teachings of the Christ Consciousness as the only means to access the Lord naturally without any huddle or third-party involvement.

THIS secret practice which is meant purely to carry out evil and to afflict those who show indifference to their submissions is not from the gods but from Satan, the insinuating force behind the Demons. So as you can see the worship of Deities who in their anthropomorphized nature have all the potentials and trappings of the true God who is the “LORD” that operates in the void, and not Satanic per se. Indeed the “Lord; God almighty”, whom we call “Jehovah” in the holy scriptures described these characters as gods variously because they are both helpers of those who seek their help from the earth and at the same time relate as gods in their natural nature as souls that have once existed on earth, and as any human would.

THEY’RE principalities and powers only because of their invisibility. Rulers of heavenly kingdoms because they do exist in ethereality.

DEITIES of whatever ethereality are forces that possess and exude powers from the almighty just the same source from where humans are obliged to draw theirs. The difference between human beings and these invincible characters is very thin. It is just that on their part, they’re more conscious, directional and purposeful in their focus with less material distraction as opposed to human beings who are saddled with all kinds of engagements which are effervescent and largely material here on the physical earth.

AND mark you, it is only here on planet Earth that you find enjoyment of all sorts be it dancing, mating for enjoyment and procreation’s sake. And eating and resting or reading of the scriptures or other literature to acquire knowledge. Nowhere else does that exist. That’s why some of these Spirit beings try to come to earth. And they do achieve that through the collaboration of some dubious and mischievous human beings who have acquired Satanic powers to link up with these beings otherwise, they’re bound to be where they are originally while we’re here as kings and queens over the earth which has no end for those who imbibe the Christ consciousness.

THESE gods are also found in alters and temples in mosques, Synagogues, Monasteries, Bethels, Hindu Temples or Sanctuaries of both the Marines and other gods who operate with the status of principalities. These are “Powers” with anthropomorphize nature characteristically which abound and are easily accessible through the use of different incantations meant to identify and invoke the powers of these Deities into manifestation in a transmogrified form.

That is to say, you can invoke their powers into an object be it steal or whatever it is you want and it exerts the quantum required to accomplish a given purpose without resorting to the gods each time you need the use of its power to accomplish a task.

“THAT’S not what you need! That’s not what your Soul craves. Your “Soul” needs independence to be able to supply your mind with itineraries and projections of what your God (the Lord almighty) has designed, packaged and wrapped up into an envelope that contains your destiny. And you can only benefit from all of that when you are in harmony with your Soul Force as a Christ Devotee.”

PLEASE join me here next week for the continuation of the series, the Lord willing.

END Time Message!


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