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Prince Bassey Otu Of Cross River State
2023 Elections News Politics

Obi Ojage Pens Spiritual Congratulatory Message To Cross River Governor-Elect Bassey Otu

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…Says You Must Earn People’s Endorsement To Lead Them

A chieftain of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in Cross River State, Comrade Obi Ojage has written a spiritual congratulatory message to the state’s Governors-elect, Senator Prince Bassey Otu, describing his victory in the March 18 governorship election in the state as one that “accentuates the need for one to be empathetic and open-hearted as is your nature, to guarantee people’s endorsement of the way and manner it has turned out.”

According to the former member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN), that Way, the people emboldened to surrender their powers to make more powerful.

Comrade Obi Ojage, who recalled that he predicted the outcome of the 2023 governorship election in Cross River State, said “I predicted it, and so were those fair-minded devoid of enviousness amongst us, I insisted on its efficacy for all the right reasons adduced, and it came to pass.”

His congratulatory message to Governor-elect Prince Bassey Otu reads:

Congratulations Your Excellency, Governor-elect of Cross River State, Prince (Senator) Bassey Otu, for your well-deserved victory at the election.

I predicted it, and so were those fair-minded devoid of enviousness amongst us, I insisted on its efficacy for all the right reasons adduced, and it came to pass.

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We thank the Almighty for the inside narrative din that enabled us to remain importunate in the face of those who have misjudged our intent to support kindhearted, credible and humane persons for leadership positions which you symbolise, as in them, lies the mind of the Almighty, no more, no less, against those who do otherwise.

A greedy and despicable person, no matter his intentions, are all fake, they can not make a good leader. They’re the architect of tyranny and thieving. They even steal what they do not need just to deprive others of having it.

Apostle Paul once retorted by asking the greedy of his time; about what they have in their possession which wasn’t provided to them by someone however the justification, if so, why do they now behave as if what they have was not a gift whether in exchange for a service or as a favour, what? That even applies now.

Someone has to be kind enough to offer you a job to do; to deserve a pay packet. Overall, that’s still an act of giving.

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By your resounding victory as the people’s governor, which is acknowledged by every soul in the state today irrespective of the party, accentuates the need for one to be empathetic and open-hearted as is your nature, to guarantee people’s endorsement of the way and manner it has turned out.

No investment you make in people ever wanes especially when your good deeds are inspired by the need to change the circumstance of those who attract your attention or seek your consent in need, not to turn a blind eye or avoid them using flimsy excuses where and when you’re in the position to help even with the excess of what you do not need.

The Lord’s blessings are to satisfy our needs, for those among us who are blessed. The surplus is to be given to those around us who are in need. By that, they’ll be peace and the absence of fear in most societies when people are cared for especially the have-nots.

That’s the true and easy sign to dictate one who is obligated and ordained for leadership by the Almighty through natural sequences from one of a leadership gotten through imposition as man-made, through the rigging methodology as it is common with our society.

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The act of generosity is the only state of mind by which the Holy Spirit can have access to our human mind to bring our conscience alive for true leadership. It also endears you to the people as the one of choice.

And only when one’s conscience is alive can he or she truly entertain and enjoy the partnership with the Holy Spirit which is the replication of the Holy Ghost that is invincible and operates in the void as the quintessence of everything that has life in it; including humankind with potentials to alter forms.

May the Holy Spirit, our own Prince, which now partners with you to take up the challenge of leadership of our dear state, continue to be the commanding mast that helps as you navigate the part of righteous living in your true essence which seems to embolden those who practice generosity evidenced by your overwhelming success, to enable you to sore further in peace and the strength of the Lord your God. Amen!
Truly yours,

Comrade Obi Ojage.


Comrade James Ezema is a veteran journalist and media consultant. He is a political strategist. He can be reached on +2348035823617 via call or WhatsApp.

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