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NDE Disburses N4.36 Million to Empower 106 Persons In Oyo

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Determined to root out poverty and stimulate micro- economic activities in the country, the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) in Oyo State has disbursed a total sum of N4.36 million to 106 persons as revolving loans in Oyo State to help boost their businesses.

A breakdown of the figure shows that 98 beneficiaries of Micro Entreprise Enhancement Scheme (MEES) got 1.6million at N20,000, each, four (4) beneficiaries of Start Your Own Business (SYOB) got N2million at N500,000 each while four (4) beneficiaries of Basic Business Empowerment (BBE) scheme received the sum of N400,000 at N100,000 each. NDE Disburses N4.36 Million to Empower 106 Persons In Oyo

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Speaking at the orientation/ disbursement exercises for beneficiaries of MEES, SYOB, and BBE, in Ibadan, the NDE Director General, Mallam Abubakar Nuhu Fikpo, who was represented by the State Coordinator, NDE Oyo State, Mrs Steve-Ogundipe Olayinka, said the initiative was in line with the on-going efforts of government aimed at tackling unemployment and poverty in the country.

The NDE D.G further said that these empowerment schemes which falls under the direct supervision of the Small Scale Entreprise Department of the agency, was designed for men and women across the country to start-up and expand on their existing businesses. NDE Disburses N4.36 Million to Empower 106 Persons In Oyo

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He pointed that, MEES, SYOB and BBE shemes were part of measures designed by the F.G to fight poverty to a standstill and expressed hope that the disbursement exercise will trigger micro economic growth and also help beneficiaries strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit among them.

Also speaking, the Director, Small Scale Enterprise Department, Mr. Alao, Babatunde Ismail, who was represented by the head of Department, Small Scale Enterprise Department, NDE Oyo State, Engr. Paul Ilori, noted that over the years, the government has continuously rolled out various empowerment programmes which had impacted positively on the lives of people and contributed immensely to the development of the nation’s economy. NDE Disburses N4.36 Million to Empower 106 Persons In Oyo

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He therefore charged the beneficiaries to seize the rare opportunity to turn around their furtune, create more wealth, reduce poverty and above all become self-reliant and agents of change in the communities and country at large.

It is worthy to note that both indigenes and non-indigenes across the 33 local government in Oyo State had benefited immensely from various NDE schemes and their testimonies have been quite amazing.

Comrade James Ezema is a veteran journalist and media consultant. He is a political strategist. He can be reached on +2348035823617 via call or WhatsApp.

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