The Street Reporters Newspaper

…Breaking News with Integrity!


Agba Jalingo

Sweden, A Nation With “No Excellencies…”

Did you know that, Sweden, a Scandinavian nation that transformed itself from an impoverished, agricultural society into one of the wealthiest, most socially just and least corrupt countries in the world, is a nation with ‘no excellencies?’ How did a…

Do Protests Change Anything?

Kenya said they needed more money and wanted to increase taxes. The Kenyan government proposed raising US$2.7 billion by increasing taxes on essential goods and services, from cooking oil to bread. The bill also targeted digital revenue, where the bulk…

Weaponization Of Poverty

Once, I attended an ANPP (All Progressives Peoples Party) campaign event in Maidugri as a journalist and was privileged to be in the Governor’s convoy. The Governor then was ANPP. He was in company of a former National Chairman of…

Do We Vote For Development Or For Palliatives?

Let me start by defining what palliative is. “A medicine or form of medical care that relieves symptoms without dealing with the cause of the condition.” If you are 30yrs today, and politically active, and commenting on social media, that…

Are More Marriages Really Breaking?

According to the United Nations statistics, there are an estimated one billion married couples in the world as of 2021. One billion. Keep that in mind! The latest official figures from the National Bureau of Statistics in Nigeria, show that,…

One Day, Someday….

No matter how you love and protect her, if you like use the Rottweiler or even satellites to monitor her and ensure a man doesn’t come near that your little daughter or touch her, a day is coming when you,…

Solar Eclipse: What If I Told You God Did Not Create Time?

As close and hot as its rays may seem, the Sun stands majestically at a distance of 150 million km, away from our Earth where we live. Our Earth circles round the Sun at the speed of nearly 30km per…

Where Is The Benefit?

Since the 11th century when Islam was introduced to Nigeria and the 15th century when the first Portuguese friars introduced Christianity to Nigeria, most of the people who have run the affairs of Nigeria even before it was amalgamated up…

Biology Of The Tree And Lessons To Learn

The tree constantly grows in two directions. The Root and the Shoot. When a seed falls to the ground, the roots begin to grow downward in the direction of gravity, which is referred to as ‘gravitropism’ (a plant’s ability to…

Praying Your Way To Prosperity

According to the Washington based fact tank, Pew Research Centre report, published in 2019, on nations that pray the least and those that pray the most, between 2008 and 2017, the most prayerful nations in the world per percentage of…

Just Before You File For That Divorce

To the best of my little knowledge, Christianity is the most restrictive religion on divorce. The only condition permitted in the New Testament Bible for divorce is, porneia, (sexual immorality), and there is a caveat, ‘if you cannot forgive your…