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Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and President Bola Ahmed Tinubu
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A Titan at 70: President Tinubu Celebrates WTO Chief Dr. Okonjo-Iweala’s Illustrious Journey

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President Bola Tinubu has expressed his profound congratulations to the World Trade Organization’s Director-General, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, on the occasion of her 70th birthday.

The felicitations were conveyed in a statement from the Special Advisor to the President on Media & Publicity, Chief Ajuri Ngelale. President Tinubu shared in the joy of this landmark celebration with the esteemed leader and her family.

Praising her legacy as the former Minister of Finance, President Tinubu lauded Dr. Okonjo-Iweala for her dedication to national service and her significant contributions to strengthening institutions.

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Moreover, President Tinubu applauded the Director-General for her role as an exemplary envoy of Nigeria, showcasing the nation’s renowned tenacity, work ethic, and intellectual brilliance.

In his closing remarks, President Tinubu offered his prayers for Dr. Okonjo-Iweala’s continued vitality and prosperity, extending his best wishes to her and her family for many more fruitful years.

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Comrade James Ezema is a veteran journalist and media consultant. He is a political strategist. He can be reached on +2348035823617 via call or WhatsApp.

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