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TB Joshua's Prophecy To David Lyon
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TB Joshua’s Prophecy To David Lyon Re-echoes As Court Nullifies Bayelsa Election

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With the news of the Bayelsa State Governorship Election Petition nullifying the election of Governor Diri and ordering a fresh one within 90 days, Nigerians on social media have been quick to recall the ‘prophecy’ given to APC’s candidate David Lyon by TB Joshua.

“When Prophet TB Joshua asked David Lyon to wait until after his inauguration before he gives his testimony of his victory in the Bayelsa Election in 2019, I know there was going to be some drama before his inauguration… As we speak, fresh elections are possible in Bayelsa,” wrote Olupitan Oluwamuyiwa on Twitter.

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“Please who can quote the words from Senior Prophet T.B Joshua to David Lyon for me,” commented Bayefa Emomotimi on Facebook in the light of the news. “TB Joshua’s words are coming to pass,” added Tega Mike also on Facebook.

After Lyon’s initial landslide victory in the gubernatorial election in Bayelsa, he visited Joshua’s church for a ‘thanksgiving service’ only to be told by Joshua it was too early to share his testimony.

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“For your information, this is not the time for testimony; this will come after his inauguration,” Joshua cryptically commented in the service on December 1st 2019.

“The only way Bayelsa people will believe that he is the one they voted for is for him to meet the expectation of the Bayelsa people,” the cleric further counselled.

“It is better to live poorly upon the fruit of God’s goodness than to live to plentifully upon the product of our own sin. Listen to the voice of wisdom but also make use of your brain,” he concluded.

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When Lyon’s victory was controversially rescinded on the eve of his inauguration due to discrepancies in his deputy’s paperwork, Joshua’s message surfaced on social media again, with many onlookers believing his message was warning Lyon of the impending trouble.

The news that fresh elections are to be held in Bayelsa suggest the possibility Joshua’s words may indeed find fulfilment given the continued popularity of Lyon in the region.


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