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Don’t Be A Pawn In Anybody’s Chessboard: You’re Worth More Than That Before The Lord Your God

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“Take A Stand Over Your Destiny And The Holy Spirit Will Do The Rest. There Is Still Gold Dust In The Air.”

Obi Ojage

Do not envy that man or woman that short-changed, betrayed, paid you evil for a good done, or that backbiter, blackmailer, who tries to destroy you, provided you turn your mind inwardly to ask why that happened and immediately commence another chapter with less attention to the incident, you’ll realize something latent exuding forth to pave way for a new you in display beyond your imagination. You’ll employ a new zest to conquer.

Doors of opportunities will begin to open. By the way, open doors are done by men not spirits.

There is still gold dust in the air from which to be tapped free off a charge by agile and forward-looking men, who’ve built up themselves, with various capacities, not indolent nonentities. It is written in the scriptures that “the Lord promised to spit out from its mouth, those who were lukewarm”.

That happens fast if you do not waste your time trying to fight back or apply the same method used by your enemy in retaliation. Nature has a way to do that if only evil were unleashed on you as one who was innocent.

You must be innocent of the evil done to you, otherwise, that serves as your measure of karma. By the way, Karma is nature’s cleansing of those who are bound to inherit the earth. Be glad when you reap what you sow, be it good or bad.

It’s meant for you to learn a lesson and make amends. It’s only awful if you chose not to learn any lesson from misdeeds, then you’re doomed.

Not until you know this truth about existence, you will never stop looking for which of the Occult groups to join or a Sorcerer’s church to associate with. These are all products of an idle mind. Stop it, you’re a God in your own right.

Turn within and do ask questions and let your mind do the searching, the Holy Spirit is within you.

Close your eyes and be in the mode of prayer unto it, as the Lord that operates in the void as a Ghost and Holy. Do so in your closets. And you shall have answers in the din, melting into your consciousness as an “imagination”, go along with such revelation from within, which would now be silently re-vibrating in a portion of your mind as an idea, through you, as you and not from any vocal entity.

Any sound you hear at that moment is all an encroachment of the devil, externally, from the environment trying hard to penetrate your inner consciousness. Switch it off vocally. In Jesus’ name, if you feel threatened.

There is something ingrained and powerful in that name, Jesus! It’s inexplicable.

Free your Soul person and it will come alive to do your biddings. And this you’ll do by upholding integrity as part of avowed nature and displaying empathy.

Do unto others as you would want to be done unto you. Avoid taking part in evil acts of any sort.

Be hardworking in your chosen career or engagement to make ends meet. Don’t be idle, Practice kindness by being your brother, and sister’s keeper the much you can, the Holy Spirit shall do the rest.

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Try it, don’t question it. That’s the attitude of the anti-Christ. I give you what is working for me that breeds peace of mind despite everything.

Everyone must belong to something. And have something to hold as a scapegoat. Don’t belong to what cannot save your Soul.

Endeavor to stand with the Lord your God, as your pillar. This means that you have to look within for every of your solution to matters.

The moment you resolve in doing that, I bet you, the Holy Spirit shall help you consolidate your resolve. The Holy Spirit humanly speaking, is the Soul of the Holy Ghost. By Spirit, I mean “invisibility”. That’s what a Spirit is.

A ghost is a spirit that contains human nature and other incidences. There is a human ghost. And there is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the all-knowing, all present, and all scientific. In it, there is the potential to be everything.

This is why it is the Almighty that cannot be seen. It is never seen just in the air. It is the embodiment of everything, tangible and intangible.

The company of the Holy Spirit will make you derive real peace of mind. As your Soul and not the body, nor your mind shall be in charge.

This is when you’ll start to experience contentment and hope for eternal life. It’s usually indecision that drives us to many unwarranted and unworthy associations.

Try to minimize your cravings and concentrate on what brings you happiness and peace of heart and mind. Especially for those who have developed their talents or skills.

In every man lies something from which to make a difference and from where daily bread shall come forth without resorting to extraneous means which are sometimes unfathomable and out of our explicit control.

You are alone in this world. And alone, shall you return or incarnate back to life if you’ve nurtured your Soul towards generating the force that will be strong enough to pull you out from the grave when you’re dead and buried into space for further assimilation by those to bring you back to life again through another birth. Which is what is meant by reincarnation. Children or families are on their own.

Much as you care about them, the central issue is for you, your individuality singular, one person, to stand indubitably before the instant assessment towards a spontaneous rapture. Do not neglect you, Soul.

This world is unending. If you have that mindset you’ll hardly live at all cost.

You would rather do your best and leave the rest to nature and time than engaged in the destruction of another man or compromise the dictates of the inner man.

It isn’t cowardice as some people do provoke those who let go of vengeance.

If you are finding it pretty difficult to realize your goals, don’t kill yourself or others because of that.

Where you have put in your best but things refused to fall in place the way you had envisaged, relax and turn your mind towards enriching the quality of your Soul instead, in preparation for your incarnation whenever death comes your way, you may not weep nor be astounded.

Such a concept would help reduce the anxiety in you to get things done in a hurry or at all costs if you know what is the truth or the ideal thing to do.

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That too would have helped reduce detent if adopted universally.

Nature has everything in place for everyone according to destiny. If you’re destined to go through school to become whatever in life, from birth, that mission would commence.

Everyone is playing a role in life. Without that variety, life would have been boring. Badness gives birth to goodness. The world is highly full of precipitations. Every human is born into such circumstances.

We chart our ways based on that or are guided or tutored to the part that is thrown open by thoughts made available by those precipitations, humans merely work into them as they occur.

There is never any originality, all are from what does occur including what we hear or see, and we form opinions and judgment on them that gives rise to many things which follow and thence on.

You can’t know or identify goodness if there were no badness in existence. Just identify what you want in life and go ahead to play your part. Don’t be found wanting, otherwise you’ll be a pawn in someone’s cheeseboard.

Take a stand now, do not mind the cost. The Lord is on your side provided your intentions are good. It doesn’t mean bad will not come your way, it will.

It is meant to make you renew your faith in the Lord your God. And equally to make you know you’re different. Continue in doing good.

Your aim or goal should be to merit another place in the world in your new birth after the expiration of your life this time around, to continue where you must have stopped.

Do not regret anything as long as what you are doing suits the time or tide truthfully. This is what I term, fireside philosophy. It is available even to the mothers at the fireside.

There is no other way. Do not fear to fail in whatever you’ve convinced yourself of worth doing as long as it gives you fulfillment and helps to enhance the lives of others who become beneficiaries.

The Lord is on your side if your intention is right and He would be your strength the moment you are determined.

Those who’ve lived up to fifty (50 years) and more in age do not know how much love nature has extended to them to accumulate ideas from all that they had experienced in life so far.

Which is meant to be aggregated and stocks apply to ennoble a new life with a focus on their incarnation. See each day as if is your last in terms of your daily reflection of eternity.

You’re truly meant to live forever and so is the earth in which you now live. Is the habitation of the favored ones.

This is the only place where you find movement and great activities going towards making people happy, no other place than earth.

You either would be dragged by your evil deeds now to live perpetually in the grave as your place of abode from where you may choose to move out as a human ghost to wherever and back to the grave or live in homes and go about affairs as a human being who is alive. The choice is yours to make. And the decision begins or starts now. Right now.

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NEVER look for too much nor expect too much as well. Those whom you thought had plenty are still looking for more. There has been no end to it.

The more you get, the more you’re tempted to want to get more. Recognize what you need and go for it with caution and conviction.

All these are evidence that you’re not treating your Soul-person well or rightly. Otherwise, you would have enjoyed contentment, which means you only desire that which is your utmost need.

Try not to cheat or fight. What is yours, will still be yours with time if you stay close to where God’s blessings can reach you. By that, I mean you try to identify with good things and people. It’s a principle and doesn’t change.

But you must deserve what you’re desiring otherwise that will remain a tall dream. Don’t be a misfit, or selfish.

You must be known for something. Try to identify yourself with something you’re known to do well. And concentrate on it.

There is a lot. Train yourself to be your best. All you need is life and good health to enhance it. Don’t be afraid to say your mind. There is strength in truth. Say it and dam the consequences.

Truth has a way to turn the table around in your favor with time. Always say it and be used to it. You’ll have a clear conscience. Respect people’s feelings in situations especially those who deserve your respect.

Let people trust your judgment because you’re impeccable. Always stand for something and let people know where you stand.

You’ll gain more respect and trust from those who believe in your course or your God and would want to go along with you, not minding the cost.

Those who tell excessive lies are cowards with very low self-esteem. They fear exposing their weaknesses because they can’t stand the reactions of those they’ve deluded or hoodwink on the subject over which they chose to lie on.

A liar shouldn’t be one’s friend. They’re insincere and potential killers, be warned if you know one amongst you.

Never you care too much about what people may say especially when you’re convinced that what you’re doing is right.

These persons are not God, even if they are, they are not your Lord, or nature to determine anything except that which they have authority over. And they’ve none, except they’re given.

Always try to go to the man in charge, or you stay back with your Lord and wait for its time. Do not deal with subordinates. It is your right to meet the boss. Know who you are.

Don’t look up or down on anybody. Respect those who have attained heights you’re yet to attain or had hoped to accomplish. Don’t begrudge them. Rather cultivate your garden. And let the world go by. Help will come your way in time.

I give you a solution that is working for me. Try it today. I remain your friend and brother, Obi O. Ojage.
I speak as an Oracle.

End Time Message!


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