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Andy Uba Governorship candidate of APC in Anambra state
Opinion Politics

APC And Senator Dr. Andy, A Divine Agenda For The Political Emancipation Of Anambra State And Igbo Race

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By Hon Jideofor Ejimofor

The emergence of Senator Dr Andy Uba at this point in time is not an accident in God’s plan.
Of course, the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God couldn’t have allowed it if it is not in his plan for the good people of Anambra state hence the urgent need to cooperate with this divine plan (Odination-dei) for the manifestation of God’s developmental agenda for our dear state and the southeast geographical zone.

Andy Uba for over two decades now (1999-2021) has played key roles in the human capital development and political growth of key political figures and actors in Anambra state ,other states in southeast and numerous others from different states of the federation.

Notable political actors and figures like Prof Chukwuma Soludo,late Prof Dora Akunyili, Prof Maurice Iwu of inec, uncountable other political leaders in the state, almost all governors in southeast at different times and others from different geographical zones across the country have benefited in one way or the other in their political journey and development from Sen Dr Andy Uba from his time as senior political aide on domestic affairs to President Olusegun Obasanjo down to his time at the national assembly as a distinguished senator of the federal republic of Nigeria yet, he is calm,easy going and infact takes every disappointment, development and otherwise in his life and political career as the will of God.

Andy Uba Governorship candidate of APC in Anambra stateSen Dr Andy Uba given his wealth of experience in public service,his contacts and connection within and outside the shores of Nigeria have what it takes to govern and fix a difficult state like Anambra that has completely broken down in the hand of APGA and governor Willy Obiano.

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Anambra state today is at a crossroads owing to the misrule, ineptitude, confusion, insecurity and hydraheaded problems occasioned by the present deceptive government of APGA in the state hence the need for us to put in a man with immense capacity as governor to fix Anambra state and make it working again.Andy Uba is the one.

We need the likes of Andy Uba to lead us out of the current political and economic bondage of APGA in the state.

The state of Anambra is currently in the same situation and political bondage that the Israelites found themselves in Egypt according to the biblical account of Exodus chapter three( 3) which prompted the God of heaven to roar in anger, a result of which led to the emergence of Moses with the sole mandate of “liberation of the the people of God”, Andy Uba at this point in time is symbolizes and signifies the figurative biblical Moses, hence our message to Governor Obiano and APGA in Anambra state; “Pharo let my people go”.

This movement into political freedom will not augur well for some people because just as the people of God were leaving joyfully and triumphantly at the time of Exodus, and the evil forces of Egypt and Pharo were bent on cutting short their joy through the desert ambush/pursuit, the good news is; the Lord with his mighty power will complete what he has started.

The Lord will fight for us and the Egyptians that Anambra state see today in the hand of APGA and Governor Obiano , they shall see no more( CF Exodus 14 vs 13-14).

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The confusion in PDP and APGA is not man made but a divine intervention in the affairs of the state for the singular purpose of Anambra state political emancipation and development hence the need for all to join hand together and cooperate with this divine privilege to restore the dignity of the IGBO RACE in Nigeria.

We are calling on the youths of Anambra state to join this Noah’s ark for their political future, development and journey to wholeness, the time is now…….

In politics, business and different life adventure,it is the end that justifies the means and I have no doubt in my mind that this journey with Andy Ubah as the leader and captain of the ship will definitely end in praise, Thanksgiving and joy.

I am calling on our leaders to join hands together to liberate Anambra state once and for all from the shackles of political bondage imposed on her by APGA and the present state government.

I am calling on the business community to join hands and reject harrasment and intimidation from the touts and evil revenue agents of APGA state government in the state for the restoration of our pride as the business hub of the west Africa.

I am calling on the traditional rullers and town unions in Anambra state to reject APGA and their desecration of the traditional institutions in Anambra state.

Recall the mass detronement and suspension of about 14 traditional rullers of Anambra state in recent time for excercising their constitutionally guaranteed freedom of movement and association,the gruesome politically motivated killing of Igwe Alex Edozieuno of mkpunando Aguleri, the threats to the life of Igwe Ikegbuna of eziagulu otu Aguleri according to report from his palace ,and others.

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We reject dehumanization of traditional rulers in the state.

Vote out APGA and end the rising insecurity and loss of confidence in government in the state.

All the roads in the state are like one leading to hellfire yet ,there is a government that receives billion in statutory allocation in addition to huge internally generated revenue that runs into billion in the state, are we cursed or are we the cause…….

Anambra youth please rise up and rescue your state from destruction.

The LGA system has collapsed in the state because APGA LGA appointed caretaker are not allowed access to the financial statutory allocations meant for them from the federation account,no Local government caretaker chairman can question the embezzlement of their fund for fear of been sacked by their appointer hence the continued deterioration of the LGA system in Anambra state, Ndi APGA what is our offence and where is our money.

Andy Ubah and apc will restore, rebuild and repair the damage of APGA in Anambra state.

The time is now, Anambra state youths please arise and take your destiny into your hands……it is now or never…… Anambra state must be great again.

Yes we can!

Hon Jideofor Ejimofor is a youth and social activist, economist, fellow of TRCN, MURDC and zonal publicity secretary of the all progressives Congress (APC) in Anambra north senatorial district of Anambra state 19/09/2021

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