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How Young Nigerians Can Monetise Their Social Media Activities — Founder, Digital Witch, Ekwutosi Okeh
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How Young Nigerians Can Monetise Their Social Media Activities — Founder, Digital Witch, Ekwutosi Okeh

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Ekwutosi Okeh, popularly known as Digital Witch and Ada Nsukka on social media, is a digital content creator, social media influencer, and the founder/lead trainer at Digital Witch Support Team.
In this interview by Kingsley Alumona, she speaks about her life after graduation, her journey into tech, and how young Nigerians can leverage social media as a source of income.

Which course did you study and where did you study it? How is the course impacting the work you do now? 

I studied Literature at the University of Nigeria Nsukka. This background in literature has proven invaluable in my current roles as a trainer and customer success manager. The course equips me with the ability to simplify complex concepts for my customers and students, explaining them as if to a five-year-old. My literary training also helps me craft stories and examples that effectively underscore my teaching points.

What was life like after National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)? Was what you dreamt of doing after graduation what you are currently doing now?

Life after my NYSC programme was quite challenging. Initially, I planned to pursue a master’s degree, but my father’s passing, shortly after the completion of my NYSC, altered my plans. I needed to support my mother and seven younger siblings, leading me to take a job as an office assistant in a real estate company, which was far from the career I had envisioned.

Eventually, I focused on upskilling and transitioned into a tech role at Microsoft. Now, I work as a customer success manager for a reputable United States company, operating remotely.

Why did you decide to go into digital content creation and enterprise?

I decided to go into digital content creation and enterprise initially as a hobby during my university days, creating content on Facebook for fun and to connect with others. My digital skills were developed through formal training at organisations like Microsoft and Amazon Web Services (AWS), supplemented by courses from Safe and, along with continuous self-taught learning to stay updated with current technologies and practices.

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You describe yourself and your business as Digital Witch. What is the inspiration behind the name? When did you start the business and how is it faring so far?

The nickname ‘Digital Witch’ started humorously at Microsoft, where my quick problem-solving skills earned me that moniker from friends who noticed I could always find a workaround for technical issues, often thinking outside the box.

When I launched my tech community in 2021, the name stuck because it was already associated with my approach to digital solutions. Now, three years later, we have grown significantly, training over 40,000 individuals in on-demand tech skills. We recently introduced a course in Cloud Computing/Cloud Security, welcoming 300 students in our inaugural batch, marking a significant milestone.

Which kind of people mostly patronise your services and which kind of digital training do you offer?

My services primarily attract job seekers, stay-at-home moms, students, and low-income earners seeking to improve their career prospects and personal development through digital training. The courses I offer range from basic computer literacy to advanced digital skills like cloud computing and on-demand skills, designed to be accessible and practical for enhancing career opportunities.

You are very active on social media, especially on Facebook. How do you protect your mental health from cyberbullies and trolls who post negative comments about you and your work?

On social media, particularly Facebook, I protect my mental health from cyberbullies and trolls by adopting a mindset of detachment and perspective. I often remind myself that criticism from others, especially when negative and unconstructive, reflects more about their own issues than it does about my worth or my work. In situations where I choose to respond, I keep it light and unbothered, focusing on maintaining a sense of humour and not taking the bait seriously.

This approach has helped me make peace with the presence of bullies online and allows me to continue engaging positively without letting negative comments affect my mental well-being.

Meta, owners of Facebook, recently announced that it would soon be paying Nigerian content creators on its platforms. How ready are you to exploit this opportunity? And how would you advise upcoming digital content creators about this Meta offer?

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I am prepared to capitalise on Meta’s new initiative to pay Nigerian content creators, as I already produce content that aligns with the existing monetisation criteria on Facebook. I plan to continue focusing on my niche content without diversifying beyond what has proven effective for engagement and growth.

For upcoming digital content creators, I would advise them to first find and develop their unique niche — something they are genuinely passionate about and good at. Once they have established this, they should consistently create and share content within that niche to attract a dedicated audience. Understanding and leveraging the monetisation tools that Meta provides can help them turn their passion into a profitable venture.

Always remember that authenticity and consistency are key to building a presence and succeeding on platforms like Facebook.

As a digital witch, if you were the minister of communications and digital economy, how would you ensure that sustainable employment, digital initiatives, and economic empowerment are created for Nigerian youths?

As minister of communications and digital economy, I would enhance digital literacy and tech skills across Nigeria through partnerships with educational institutions and tech companies. I would also support tech entrepreneurship by promoting technology hubs and incubators, and improve internet access to ensure widespread digital participation. Collaborations with the private sector would be essential to create digital job opportunities while advocating for supportive legislative policies that would facilitate digital innovation. Ekwutosi Okeh, Digital Witch Founder

Additionally, I would develop a government portal for digital job opportunities and target initiatives to promote inclusivity, particularly encouraging young women to engage in the tech industry. These efforts aim to harness digital technology for youth empowerment and economic growth.

What are the major challenges you face as a digital creator and social media influencer, and how do you manage them?

As a digital creator and social media influencer, some key challenges include navigating the ever-changing algorithms of social media platforms, maintaining consistent audience engagement, and managing online negativity or criticism.

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To handle these, I focus on adapting to platform trends to stay relevant, using analytics to tailor content that resonates with my audience, and maintaining a professional approach to manage negative interactions effectively.

These strategies help in navigating the complexities of digital content creation and social media influence

There is a blog publication about how you built two houses in your village through your digital work. How true is the story?

It is true that I built a house in my village, but it is one house and not two.  My other properties are not in the village.

I have achieved a lot through my work, but the most significant is the number of individuals that our training at Digital Witch has empowered. We are talking about thousands of people living their dreams and earning in dollars.

Your Facebook name is EkwutosinamAda Nsukka. What is the significance of Ada Nsukka in your name, and what is your best Nsukka food?

The ‘Ada Nsukka’ in my Facebook name, Ekwutosinam Ada Nsukka, signifies my pride in my roots and heritage from Nsukka.

It is a way to challenge and rise above the stereotypes and misconceptions people might have about the region, showing that Nsukka meets and exceeds expectations.

My favourite foods from Nsukka are Okpa and Echicha, which are traditional dishes from the region. I enjoy them greatly, and they represent a significant part of my cultural identity and culinary preferences.

Are you married or single? What three qualities do you look out for in men you like?

I am currently single.

In terms of the qualities I look for in a partner, first, I value financial stability — he should be earning above 2 million monthly.

Second, it is important that he is either a tech enthusiast like me or a successful business owner who excels in his field.

Third, kindness is crucial — he should be kind to me and everyone else, and also have a strong sense of spirituality or reverence.

Culled from Tribune Online

Comrade James Ezema is a veteran journalist and media consultant. He is a political strategist. He can be reached on +2348035823617 via call or WhatsApp.

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