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Governor Oborevwori Fixes Date for 1st Anniversary Thanksgiving
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Governor Oborevwori Fixes Date for 1st Anniversary Thanksgiving

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Delta State Governor, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori will on Sunday May 26, 2024 celebrate the first anniversary of his administration with a thanksgiving service.

The thanksgiving with theme “One year of Advancing Delta” will hold at the Living Faith Church, Ibusa Road, Asaba at 10am.

A statement signed by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Sir Festus Ahon called on party faithful, political stakeholders and Deltans to join the Governor in thanking God for an amazing year filled with exploits in projects’ delivery and unprecedented human capital development as encapsulated in the MORE Agenda.

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Comrade James Ezema is a veteran journalist and media consultant. He is a political strategist. He can be reached on +2348035823617 via call or WhatsApp.

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